"Mustang Sally..."


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Kit Sullivan

Is anybody as sick and tired of this song as I am? It seems that at any gathering of more than one Mustang, some brain-dead, uninspired DJ has to pull this aggravating thing out and play it, usually acting like he's the first guy to ever make the connection.

Then these brainiacs typically follow it up with "fun, fun, fun"...which at least is a better song...about another Ford!

And the 50s weren't the only era that collector cars came from, but every local DJ seems to think that sock-hop, soda-jerk songs from the 50s and early 60s are all that is appropriate at most cruises and shows.

There were plenty of good late 60s and 70s car-centric rock tunes made, but they just dont seem to get played.

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I'm only 38, and I really enjoy the 50's and 60's music, and its one of the reasons I love going to car shows.

when I'm working on the car, or just out working in general I have the 50' 60' music on my playlist, wither is Pandora or the IPod.

I do have some 70's but not much, then the 80's I think sucked :D

just my 2 cents :)

Steve Miller? How about the definitive version of "Mercury Blues" by guitar wiz David Lindley?

Yeah, I like the commitments version of it.

other car songs I like. (in random order)

Low Rider - War

Detroit Rock City - Kiss

Highway Star - Deep Purple This one is probably the favorite car song.

Cars - Newman

Hot Rod Lincoln - Can't remember

A few of the Beach boy songs

Pink Caddilac

That Johnny cash (I think) song where he builds a caddy from parts over a couple of years

and it's not a 'car' song but "Will'n" by Little Feat is a great song too.

Locally at shows we usually get a good mix of Rockabilly/Pshycobilly and fusions of the genre include thrashabilly, trashabilly, punkabilly, surfabilly and gothabilly. I love it, but you can bet there is a mustang with a show board that says mustang sally or they have it on repeat on the car stereo :(

I'm an old timer, but I still enjoy hearing Mustang Sally on occasion. I usually hearing it once during a car show, so no problem for me.

What's with all the "_____-a-billy"? Didn't know there were so mnay sub-genres to the "billy" music.

and Hot Rod lincoln was done most famously by "Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen."

What's with all the "_____-a-billy"? Didn't know there were so mnay sub-genres to the "billy" music.

and Hot Rod lincoln was done most famously by "Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen."
Thanks Kit. I have it on my IPOD and just love the song. Some of the lyrics don't make 'car sense' but the sound effects with the instruments is fun.

Oh, the beach boys song that drives me nuts. "Shut you down". The fuel injected 413 which later in the song "Pedal's to the floor hear the dual quads drink".

He would have won the race if he had not stopped to switch out the intake system. :)

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Locally at shows we usually get a good mix of Rockabilly/Pshycobilly and fusions of the genre include thrashabilly, trashabilly, punkabilly, surfabilly and gothabilly. I love it, but you can bet there is a mustang with a show board that says mustang sally or they have it on repeat on the car stereo :(
like some of that stuff my self...Rev Horton heat does some cool car songs.Galaxie 500..Had to race my **** up ford..lol....It is not my fav music but i do like some of it...Like a little of everything, I'm not music bias, just needs a groove i can enjoy.

Mustang sally..Well i can play and have had to play it alot..We started now to act like we dont know how to play it..even know its the most simple song in the world " almost "You would not believe how many times that song is requested :( I cannot blame DJ's totaly for all the bubble gum music they got to play..Some DJ's at these events are told what to play or they don't get paid nor asked to come back again..I played a few gigs where we had to send in our set list to be approved for city or club run gigs...Like it or not i have to play songs i do not like..But if they pay for the work ill be a juke box ;)

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What's with all the "_____-a-billy"? Didn't know there were so mnay sub-genres to the "billy" music.

and Hot Rod lincoln was done most famously by "Commander Cody and his Lost Planet Airmen."
Ha ha i guess i have been indoctarinated by the DJ who is always at pains to explain the difference. Of course these links will give you a understanging of the vast diffrence LOL

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Locally at shows we usually get a good mix of Rockabilly/Pshycobilly and fusions of the genre include thrashabilly, trashabilly, punkabilly, surfabilly and gothabilly. I love it, but you can bet there is a mustang with a show board that says mustang sally or they have it on repeat on the car stereo :(
like some of that stuff my self...Rev Horton heat does some cool car songs.Galaxie 500..Had to race my **** up ford..lol....It is not my fav music but i do like some of it...Like a little of everything, I'm not music bias, just needs a groove i can enjoy.

Mustang sally..Well i can play and have had to play it alot..We started now to act like we dont know how to play it..even know its the most simple song in the world " almost "You would not believe how many times that song is requested :( I cannot blame DJ's totaly for all the bubble gum music they got to play..Some DJ's at these events are told what to play or they don't get paid nor asked to come back again..I played a few gigs where we had to send in our set list to be approved for city or club run gigs...Like it or not i have to play songs i do not like..But if they pay for the work ill be a juke box ;)
The Reverend is pretty cool. I like all music but have some preferances and my 2 favs are ZZ Top and Motorhead. I think i have Hijacked this thread enough so back to riding around with Ms Sally

OK Luke the first song is OK but they talk about driving a Cadillac and I see them driving a Buick convertible.


guess thats why its called the art of preforming, not the truth ;)

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