Rust where B pillar attaches to rocker

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If you cannot find one go to Facebook and friend Scotty Strickland in Oxford, NC he has a Mustang junk yard with dozens of them. Any body style of mustang should work for that corner. I have one but also rusty.

He does work a regular job on third shift so might be slow getting back.

Thank you! I will definitely keep him in mind.

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I have some B-Pillar cutouts from a 72 parts car I had years ago. I will snap a picture and post it up to confirm they are what you need. If they are we can discuss further in PM.

Sorry, for not getting back with you. My son graduated from High School this weekend so it was a bit crazy around the house in addition to selling the house and getting the buyer's inspection completed late last week. I will snap the pictures tonight.

Sorry, for not getting back with you. My son graduated from High School this weekend so it was a bit crazy around the house in addition to selling the house and getting the buyer's inspection completed late last week. I will snap the pictures tonight.

Not a problem! I’m in no rush.

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Here are the parts. PM me if they are what you need. The prime red parts I think are the inner panels that are behind the B-pillar door jamb panel. I am not sure if others could verify.

Hmm the red ones look slightly like what I need however on the curvature It looks like I need farther towards the interior than the cutout. Here is what I’m dealing with unfortunately.

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Here are the parts. PM me if they are what you need. The prime red parts I think are the inner panels that are behind the B-pillar door jamb panel. I am not sure if others could verify.

Hmm the red ones look slightly like what I need however on the curvature It looks like I need farther back than the cutout. Here is what I’m dealing with unfortunately

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Sorry for the poor pictures. I had my wife send them to me while I’m at work.


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Ouch! you have some work ahead of you there. Sorry they do not look like they will be what you need. Those areas are not reproduced yet so you will need to find a donor car to cut from.

Ouch! you have some work ahead of you there. Sorry they do not look like they will be what you need. Those areas are not reproduced yet so you will need to find a donor car to cut from.

Yeah, it’s pretty bad however it’s only on the quarter panel and that area of the B pillar. Other than that the car is really good! Hopefully I can find someone with a good patch they’re willing to cut since there’s not any donors in my area.

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