Staying Warm With The Top Down

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Feb 29, 2012
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My Car
73 Mustang Convertible
Born an I-6, spent the teenage, 20 and 30 years as a 302, but at 40 will reach full potential as a 351C.
Has anyone tried to install aftermarket seat warmers in their Mustangs?

I purchased a pair for a non automotive application, and they just didn't seem to get very warm. But I am limiting the power to about 70 watts.

I always wondered why cars did not ALWAYS have seat warmers. My wife's newer convertible has seat warmers, so there is NEVER a reason to leave the top up. Of course, living in soCal helps.

Just eat a lot of beans before driving in cold weather!
One of the most important attributes of the most interesting man in the world is I never pass gas no matter how many beans I eat....or anything else for that matter.

On my motorcycles I use a Gerbing electric jacket liner to stay warm. It works great. I have not tried it in the convertible, but it should work.

Ok, lemme get this straight: You live in SoCal and wanna stay warm in your vert?!? I don't get your point...

Now, us guys, living in central Europe, we simply shiver a little faster, that's the manly way to do this! :p

Ok, lemme get this straight: You live in SoCal and wanna stay warm in your vert?!? I don't get your point...
The BEAUTIFUL feature of soCal is regardless of how warm it is during the day, the nights are generally 15-20 degrees F cooler, escpecially along the coast. In my younger days, a 40 degree F top down drive was not an issue. Today, a little more of an issue.

Now, us guys, living in central Europe, we simply shiver a little faster, that's the manly way to do this! :p
We all knew the French shivered....but not in the manly fashion.

I used to just leave the windows up and turn up the heater full blast. Unplug the a/c compressor and direct the heat out the a/c vents helped alot.

Putting in a hotter thermostat helps get heat quicker too.

There are companies that will install seat heaters in newer cars for dealers. They could probably install it in a vintage car too.

Just eat a lot of beans before driving in cold weather!
One of the most important attributes of the most interesting man in the world is I never pass gas no matter how many beans I eat....or anything else for that matter.

FINALLY! an explanation of "THE" HOT AIR! Thanks.

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I used to just leave the windows up and turn up...
The most interesting man in the world would never be seen driving with the top down and the windows up...any sooner than he would be seen wearing a bathing suit with black socks up to his knees and loafers....not that there is anything wrong with that.

I used to just leave the windows up and turn up...
The most interesting man in the world would never be seen driving with the top down and the windows up...any sooner than he would be seen wearing a bathing suit with black socks up to his knees and loafers....not that there is anything wrong with that.
:D The "most interesting man in the world" shouldn't really care what other people think about the windows being up!

It does hold the heat in the cockpit much better. Think about how warm all the young ladies will be that (should be) riding with you!

It does hold the heat in the cockpit much better. Think about how warm all the young ladies will be that (should be) riding with you!
Every confined space I occupy is considered a warm cockpit by default.

It does hold the heat in the cockpit much better. Think about how warm all the young ladies will be that (should be) riding with you!
Every confined space I occupy is considered a warm cockpit by default.
I'm thinking we've gone from the gaseous to the solid state. :p

It does hold the heat in the cockpit much better. Think about how warm all the young ladies will be that (should be) riding with you!
Every confined space I occupy is considered a warm cockpit by default.
I'm thinking we've gone from the gaseous to the solid state. :p

Well after a winter of snow and ice and wind chill factors in negative degrees the first sunny day when the snow has melted its top down heater blasting.....and yes the windows being up keep the heat in!

I should have added that when I have the windows rolled up with the top down its still usually only in the low 40's.

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I can't do the top down/windows up thing.
I agree... windows down and heat set on global warming.

To me nothing says DORK like windows up and top down, except maybe one of those behind the seats air deflectors all the new "girlie convertibles" have. :D

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I can't do the top down/windows up thing.
I agree... windows down and heat set on global warming.

To me nothing says DORK like windows up and top down, except maybe one of those behind the seats air deflectors all the new "girlie convertibles" have. :D
My wife wants a air defector for her 2013.:dodgy: She drives on the freeway with the windows up. Drives me crazy. I must say she only puts the top up when its parked at her work so the birds don't poop in it.:cool: