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  • cjstaci
    cjstaci reacted to MikeC64's post in the thread First Car Show with Like Like.
    Participate for the first time ever in local car show yesterday and actually won their clubs top pick. I was really surprised by that...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci replied to the thread Steering gear replacement?.
    I bought one from red head (located in Auburn,WA) for my 81 F350. It works fine, no leaks, no problems. Make sure to replace your fluid...
  • cjstaci
    One of the accidents I went to( can’t really call it an accident), a guy high on meth, ran a red light doing about 50 mph, hit the left...
  • cjstaci
    very sad about your car. Fortunately you are okay. You’ll have to get the car on a frame rack, other than obvious visible damage, this...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci replied to the thread F-ing HOA issue!.
    When dealing with insurance companies and older cars, you will probably need to get appraisals of your car’s value prior to the...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci reacted to Paul M's post in the thread F-ing HOA issue! with Like Like.
    Yep I had a few loose cannons going around eyeballing everybody else's properties for defects. They were covenant Nazis. I do not live...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci replied to the thread Hello from the UK.
    Welcome from NM. Looking forward to seeing your car.
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci reacted to PeteG41's post in the thread Rebuild Update with Like Like.
    Definite mood booster to finally hear it running after 2 years. The ever growing list but something I prepared myself for from the...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci reacted to tpj71mach's post in the thread ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project with Like Like.
    I got to the body shop bright and early with a plan. I had a list of all of the 8 things I wanted to accomplish and I wanted to leave by...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci reacted to tpj71mach's post in the thread ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project with Like Like.
    I went back to the body shop and cleaned up my mess from yesterday. I got the Mustang out of the spray booth and swept it down really...
  • cjstaci
    I agree with everyone, keep it running, work on drivability, brakes, steering, etc. then you will know what is good and what’s not...
  • cjstaci
    cjstaci reacted to Spike Morelli's post in the thread I'm enranged with Like Like.
    Yeah, Larry and I met thru Valley Head Service, when I was the engine builder there. He would always bring in cammer heads to have...