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    • mjlan
      mjlan reacted to tpj71mach's post in the thread ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project with Like Like.
      Thanks, I stumbled across the fact that they did buck tags on their website, when I bought my car it only had the corner of the original...
    • mjlan
      mjlan replied to the thread ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project.
      Your car looks great! I wish I had realized that Marti did buck tags, I would have gotten one for my car when I had him make me a new...
    • mjlan
      mjlan reacted to tpj71mach's post in the thread ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project with Like Like.
      I also received my new buck tag from Marti yesterday in the mail. When I bought my car it only had the corner of it left, and the screw...
    • mjlan
      mjlan reacted to mach71351c's post in the thread 351 4v ( 408 and TKX ) with Like Like.
      The past few weeks I have been working on buttoning up the dash and interior trim. Can't say enough about SEM interior paint. It just...
    • mjlan
      Check Ebay. There's usualy a couple 429 cars on there. Not exactly a real value as most times they are dealer offerings. Wherever you...
    • mjlan
      mjlan reacted to tpj71mach's post in the thread ’71 Mach 1 Resto Project with Like Like.
      I like that look, it is nice and clean, but I also like the hockey stick stripe. It is nearly a coin toss for me, I like both equally. I...
    • mjlan
      mjlan replied to the thread Lower Control Arm Bushing.
      I wouldn't hesitate to put some healthy tacks on it to hold it in place. Just hit it with a wet rag after you weld and it will be fine.
    • mjlan
      H-pipe is a more tradiational sound, X-pipe will sound like a late model V8. @turtle5353 whoever installed your exhast did anawesome...
    • mjlan
      mjlan replied to the thread $20k-$30k for a paint job?.
      They are only original once. In my opinion a good condition, original paint car has much more value than a fresh re-spray, even if the...
    • mjlan
      mjlan reacted to Nightbeacon's post in the thread $20k-$30k for a paint job? with Like Like.
      Everyone - I am late beyond reprieve for thanking you all for your input. Ultimately, I just had the car detailed by a young man in...
    • mjlan
      mjlan replied to the thread 2000 Mustang Front end.
      The newer design is better dynamically- as the suspenstion travels there is less change in wheel alignment. The trade off is added cost...
    • mjlan
      mjlan replied to the thread 2000 Mustang Front end.
      Sounds interesting. I don't think that there are many (or any for that matter) of this type of project here. The majority of cars here...
    • mjlan
      mjlan replied to the thread 2000 Mustang Front end.
      This is a more eloquent expression of what I was typing. To me this situation is why the adage "just because you can doesn't mean you...
    • mjlan
      Some information from what I would consider to be a knowledgable source. I think you may need to play with the vacuum modulator...
    • mjlan
      I thought I'd also add, that many times when overheating problem cars came into the shop, amongst all of the various things members have...
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