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  1. P

    2018 Cruisin the coast

  2. P

    Out of hibernation...

    Its great you got to enjoy your first drive after the resto :D
  3. P


    Welcome from the UK
  4. P

    Fabrice's 429CJ 71 project

    Hey Fabrice i havent been around for 2 weekends and i come back and you done lots and lots of fantastic work. Glad the weather held out for you. Now you can fit all your parts back on the car and finally get some valuable space in the workshop so you can fill it up again with more parts
  5. P

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    One more job ticked off the list. One step closer to driving your cae again
  6. P

    1971 Grande Concourse Restoration

    Baz sorry for the delay. I havent been around. I originally bought from ebay but was advised to use zinc sheets as its easier to bend into whatever shape you need for the part your working with. I ended up buying 1.2mm thick sheet from this company  I bought a...
  7. P

    1971 Grande Concourse Restoration

    Definately worthwhile learning a new skill. The process from de-rust to plate is quite simple in theory but does require some effort and thinking outside the box. I was lured into the plating world by Fabrice. I never thought i would consider it either but i have enjoyed the learning process...
  8. P

    Nice Score Today

    Must be good luck day today. Well done
  9. P

    Lucked into some new wheels

    Great scoop. Always good to hear some good luck happening to fellow members
  10. P

    A few interesting factory original components...

    Yeah Arizona weather no good for rubber or cloth but very kind to metal work. I would have liked to see full picture of wrap around as i am going to re-instate jute with black shrink wrap and have no clues as to exactly where and what it exactly wrapped
  11. P

    A few interesting factory original components...

    That jute looks like its new. Mine fell out the dash like a snow shower
  12. P

    1971 Grande Concourse Restoration

    Another piece of iron zinc plated and protected for another 50 years. Each piece brings new learning with zinc. The rear of this dash pad plate was a royal PITA to do
  13. P

    Donor found

    That looks like major progress, Well done
  14. P

    From bad news come good news

    Once the cars home the fun begins. Looking forward to seeing your build progress. Hows the engine coming along?
  15. P

    351 4v ( 408 and TKX )

    HaHaHa i remember that feeling well :D  Ho Ho Ho Santas been early :D
  16. P

    1971 Grande Concourse Restoration

    I have plated all 5 brackets with zinc to give them another 50 years protection aluminium oxide ceramic The 3 A/C brackets have been sprayed black With a BIG Thank You to BKDHUNA i sprayed the spring perches the correct metal grey. Now working on plating the long bracket that the dashpad...
  17. P


    You will be out flying in the car before you know it
  18. P

    My Next Project (V Code 71 Roadrunner)

    Cant wait to see the project finished. Hope you post a video when your completed
  19. P

    Fabrice's 429CJ 71 project

    Great progress Fabrice albeit not as much as you had planned. Any progress is welcome not matter how small the step is
  20. P

    Sold the 72 :-(

    Wade did you pass on this website to the new owner?