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  1. Mark73mach1

    1973 Mach 1 Headlight Bezel

    I just purchased a 73 convertible.  I am going to install a Mach 1 grille but I need the 2 aluminum bezels that go around the headlights.  Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Mark  
  2. Mark73mach1

    Just Purchased a 1973 Mustang Convertible

    Hi Everyone, I haven't posted in a long time.  Too much work, too many cars and not enough money.  I have just purchased the convertible.  Its been stored in a local metal building for the last 30 or so years.  I saw it about 20 years ago but the owner wasn't ready to sell.  Finally convinced...
  3. Mark73mach1

    Wires Underneath Driver's Seat

    Ok. I didn't know they cross matched wiring harnesses between the cars.
  4. Mark73mach1

    Wires Underneath Driver's Seat

    Hi Everyone,   I'm re doing the interior and noticed that the underneath driver seat I have three wire connectors.  Two are green plastic and connect together so no problem.  The remaining wire is brown but I don't see another connector to connect it to.  What does it go to? The Mach 1 has the...
  5. Mark73mach1

    Temperature Gauge Works Most of the Time

    Hey everyone,  sorry for the slow update.  Life keeps getting in the way of my Mustang time.  It appears to be the temperature sending unit.  I purchased a Motorcraft brand about a year ago.  I purchased the best NAPA has and so far so good.  I talked to the company that re built my gauges about...
  6. Mark73mach1

    Vinyl Roof Rust Repair

    Hi Everyone, I finally decided to fix my rusting vinyl roof on my 73 Mach 1 after waiting for my body/paint guy to have time which never happened.  After I fix the rust does anyone know what material/paint the factory would have put on the metal?  The previous owner replaced the vinyl top...
  7. Mark73mach1

    Temperature Gauge Works Most of the Time

    Thanks Don.  I will check my connections and ground.  If good then the sending unit is the problem.  I put a new one in about a year or so.
  8. Mark73mach1

    Temperature Gauge Works Most of the Time

    Hi Everyone,  This temperature gauge might take the cake as the saying goes.  My Mach 1 has the original  wiring and gauges.  I had them rebuilt professionally about 5-6 years ago.  Engine runs cool and spot checking with temperature gun it appears to be right on spot.  I replaced the...
  9. Mark73mach1

    Under Dash Wiring Mystery

    Bump...I'm still trying to figure out what the large yellow male plug goes to? Any insight would be appreciated. I have reviewed the wiring diagram and still can't figure it out. Thanks Mark
  10. Mark73mach1

    Under Dash Wiring Mystery

    Thanks everyone for the replies.  I did find my wiring diagram book.  I will travel out the pinkish color sure to see where it starts.  Midlife was correct I believe I had the Tach bypassed to prevent it going bad and shutting the engine down. Does anyone know the the yellow rubber male plug...
  11. Mark73mach1

    Under Dash Wiring Mystery

    Hi Everyone,  I have 2 wires right above the brake pedal that just hang there. I don't know if they should be connected. One is the pinkish color with 3 female plugs. The other one a red sliced with a black wire. It has a large yellow rubber male plug. My question is what are the 2 wires for...
  12. Mark73mach1

    What's in a name?

    Great idea. Mark73Mach1 = Mark
  13. Mark73mach1

    Console clock stop working

    OK I will start there Thanks
  14. Mark73mach1

    Console clock stop working

    I just had all my dash gauges re done and calibrated. Kept the same circuit board and instrument voltage regulator. All gauges work great but when I plug the console clock wire to the wire harness the clock did not work. It was converted to quartz movement about 13 years ago and always work...
  15. Mark73mach1

    Window Regulators and Ram Air Actuators

    Thanks Don. What would be my cost on the window regulators and shipping? My zip in 80111 Thanks Mark
  16. Mark73mach1

    Window Regulators and Ram Air Actuators

    Hey Don, I am looking for both window regulators and the ram air motor actuators. Do you have some or know where I can find them for my 73 Mach 1. Thanks
  17. Mark73mach1

    Wiring Scheme for AM/8track

    Yes that is what I meant lol. Long day at work. Brain not fully engaged. I found it in the 73 wiring diagram. Thanks again
  18. Mark73mach1

    Wiring Scheme for AM/8track

    Randy, do have the wiring scheme for a 73 Mustang Mach 1 AM/8 track? Thanks
  19. Mark73mach1

    Electrical Wires Attached to Speedo Cable

    Thanks. So is there any harm in disconnect it so the new speedo cable can be installed?