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  1. c9zx

    I need non-Mustang advice.

    I recently bought a 1966 Cyclone GT. I've joined a couple of Comet forums but they seem to be mostly populated by 64-65 owners, So little info on 66s. Can anyone suggest a Fairlane forum that might be more helpful with detail questions (gauges, seatbelts, dash finishes, etc.). Thanks, Chuck
  2. c9zx

    Looking to buy a non-Mustang

    I'm looking to buy a 1966 Mercury Cyclone GT. I'm posting to try to widen the net. Not looking for a basket case or a huge rust bucket, or a convertible. I'm also not looking for a concours anything, been there not my thing. If anyone knows of a car that may be for sale please let me know...
  3. c9zx

    Headlight upgrade question

    I'm considering upgrading the headlights on my 2007 Mustang and 2002 F-250. After spending hours in the Google rabbit hole on the subject, I still can't find much results based information. It is mostly "Our's is the best!" or some , they are brighter but, focus and beam width are off. Does...
  4. c9zx

    C6 knowledge requested

    I was given a C6 transmission removed from a 1972 Torino 351C 4v. The case is badly broken so, I'm taking it apart to save the good bits. The tag reads PGA AF1. I believe the convertor, flex plate, governor, and servo (L) are somewhat unique to the 351CJ models. Is the valve body, or other...
  5. c9zx

    I found this today

    Pertronics full 12V fix. Chuck
  6. c9zx

    Parts Wanted WTB C-6 kick down lever, 1972 Mustang

    I went to install my new custom kick down rod only to discover that the lever was not there. I searched my garage for 2 hours trying to find it, no joy. So if someone has an extra they would sell, please let me know. I know NPD has them new however, reproduction parts have bitten me more than...
  7. c9zx

    Add Ford kick down to Holley HP carb 80528

    I wanted the kick down function on the Mach1. I used Holley PN 20-49-1, Throttle Shaft Kit (now out of production) I found on ePay. The kit comes with the kick down screw, retainer, return spring, bracket, and screw. It is a relatively straight forward swap. The only part that can be tricky is...
  8. c9zx

    4 post lifts

    Asking for input on good 8000 lbs. 4 post lifts for hobbyist use and storage. There seems to be a lot of different names on what seems to be pretty much the same lift. The prices seem to vary a lot more than the construction or features and accessories. I have a Direct Lift but I've had it 12...
  9. c9zx

    Drill press run out

    Has anyone here measured your drill press run out? If so, what number did you measure? I need to drill some very small (.025-.090) holes in brass set screws. So the run out really matters. Mine is currently measuring .0035". All responses are appreciated. Chuck
  10. c9zx

    MSD repair service

    I found the MSD 6AL ignition box was causing a parasitic drain of 40-50mA. I sent it to MSD to be repaired. They fixed it for $80.55. A bargain compared to the cost of a new box. Turn-around time was about two weeks not counting shipping days. They replaced 3 transistors, two resistors, and a...
  11. c9zx

    NOS urethane Mach1 front bumper

    Just in case someone REALLY wants the bumper. Chuck
  12. c9zx

    Testing bearings and oils

    This is a good article on coated and uncoated bearings as well as conventional oil and synthetic oil. It is long, so if nothing else scroll to the last page. Chuck
  13. c9zx

    C4/C6 Vacuum modulators

    I have wasted a lot of time trying to ACCURATELY determine what the different color stripes on modulators really means. After wasting a lot of time searching the misinformation internet I have no definitive answer to that question. Is it diaphragm size, spring pressure, adjustment position from...
  14. c9zx

    Aeroflow products from Australia

    Do any our members know anything about quality and performance of their engine parts, especially cylinder heads. Thanks, Chuck
  15. c9zx

    Bargain T5 complete conversion I know the seller, he is a straight shooter. Chuck
  16. c9zx

    Removing C6 selector shaft seal

    The selector shaft seal is leaking, and no, the lockdown O-ring did not fix the leak (I don't hav that kind of luck). I think I have the process figured out except, how to remove the seal without buggering the case up. The manual mentions some specialty tools that I can not find anywhere...
  17. c9zx

    From Ford parts site

    Pretty Cool. Chuck Edit: scroll down, you'll know what I mean when you see it.
  18. c9zx

    Tire Black

    Evidently DuPont No. 7 tire black is no longer available. Does anyone know of a similar product that is available. Thanks, Chuck
  19. c9zx

    For the person who "needs" one.

    A pick-up full of money and 2500 hours of labor will be required. Chuck
  20. c9zx

    Someone was looking for this

    Custom 351C blower intake...