A/C defrost door motor


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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2013
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Mount Prospect Illinios
My Car
1972 Fastback, Sportsroof
The PO has the A/C defrost door motor connected to the door arm by means of a twisted wire around the motor and arm. Does anyone have a real picture, (photo), of what this connection should look like?

I should add that I have not reinstalled any of the A/C parts in the heater box, so this will just be a non- A/C installation. I think I need this door functional for defrosters. If I can see what it is SUPPOSED to look like, I think I can fabricate something to connect the arm to the motor. This is the motor attached to the right of the A/C defrost plenum chamber, (center top vent).

see if this helps

this is from when i rebuilt mine. there should be an flat metal arm connecting the motor to the box.

Good pictures! I re-connected the arm to the motor, but one last question..........compressing the diaphgram should hold the door in one position right, or at least keep the rod retracted with the connection plugged? Maybe this is why the PO had it wired open, there is no suction or venting air when the motor shaft is physically moved.

Don't suppose anyone makes new rubber for those motors, huh?

see if this helps

this is from when i rebuilt mine. there should be an flat metal arm connecting the motor to the box.

Good pictures! I re-connected the arm to the motor, but one last question..........compressing the diaphgram should hold the door in one position right, or at least keep the rod retracted with the connection plugged? Maybe this is why the PO had it wired open, there is no suction or venting air when the motor shaft is physically moved.

Don't suppose anyone makes new rubber for those motors, huh?
Do you mean the vacuum pods?

I have boxes of those which one and what rod do you need?


see if this helps

this is from when i rebuilt mine. there should be an flat metal arm connecting the motor to the box.

Good pictures! I re-connected the arm to the motor, but one last question..........compressing the diaphgram should hold the door in one position right, or at least keep the rod retracted with the connection plugged? Maybe this is why the PO had it wired open, there is no suction or venting air when the motor shaft is physically moved.

Don't suppose anyone makes new rubber for those motors, huh?
Do you mean the vacuum pods?

I have boxes of those which one and what rod do you need?

Vacuum pod is a better description,I just called it a motor because that is what the paperwork I had printed called it. I definitely need the one for the defroster, the one for the middle vent. It is mounted on the top right side of the vent and is attached to an arm/flapper valve and directs airflow to the def or heat vents.

Is a valid checkout for these pods holding a finger over the hole after depressing the arm and making sure the arm stays in one place?

This particular pod has only one connection. It has a short rod connected to it that I could remove and reuse I think.

see if this helps

this is from when i rebuilt mine. there should be an flat metal arm connecting the motor to the box.


What a source of information, have my Mustang completely disassembled purchased.

Like to have such information / pictures ...?

Many thanks!

Not too computer savvy about posting pictures etc. Usually ask my wife to do it for me.:blush:

The pictures I was referring to were sent to me by "72HCODE" and can be seen in this thread a few answers before. These are pictures of the heater box and connections, very good.............

see if this helps

this is from when i rebuilt mine. there should be an flat metal arm connecting the motor to the box.

Good pictures! I re-connected the arm to the motor, but one last question..........compressing the diaphgram should hold the door in one position right, or at least keep the rod retracted with the connection plugged? Maybe this is why the PO had it wired open, there is no suction or venting air when the motor shaft is physically moved.

Don't suppose anyone makes new rubber for those motors, huh?
Do you mean the vacuum pods?

I have boxes of those which one and what rod do you need?

Looks like I need 2 pods. One is for the outside recirculating air door, and the other one is the one I mentioned, for the heat defrost door. They look physically the same except for the arms attached to them are different sizes. I can remove them and use them over. Just concerned that a valid check out of these pods is by actuating the arm and blocking the hose connection and seeing if it holds. If there are numbers I should look for on them I will do that, but they look identical.

I used a hand vacuum pump and set the gauge to 15-20hg then let it sit on the pump for a while and see if it leaked. If it held for 60 minutes its good.

I call them vacuum motors but doesn't matter all of them are the same in function but have slightly different shapes. The center pod\motor is a little different it has 2 inlets so you can set how much to move the door from defrost to main vents or floor. The others are basically on or off.

Check the octopus also that's the vacuum manifold that feeds the motors. Those can get clogged or spring holes. The mechanical vacuum switch that controls the motors can also get clogged up. When I tested my unit after assembly I used a hand pump on the vacuum canister and hooked all the motors up the manifold and outside the car moved the selector and watched everything operate, before reinstalling it in the car..

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see if this helps

this is from when i rebuilt mine. there should be an flat metal arm connecting the motor to the box.

Good pictures! I re-connected the arm to the motor, but one last question..........compressing the diaphgram should hold the door in one position right, or at least keep the rod retracted with the connection plugged? Maybe this is why the PO had it wired open, there is no suction or venting air when the motor shaft is physically moved.

Don't suppose anyone makes new rubber for those motors, huh?
Do you mean the vacuum pods?

I have boxes of those which one and what rod do you need?

Price for 2?
