Checking in on our Aussie friends

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Thanks for the posting about being safe, but we're about 600 miles away from Sydney though. I am not surprised that this has happened though, as it was only a matter of time. A very sad outcome for the hostages, especially with two of them losing their lives, as for that A**EHOLE who kept these poor people hostage, couldn't care less that he died, just one less A-hole in the world. This A-hole has unbelievably been allowed not just to stay here, but was allowed to roam around the place on bail after the $h!t that he's done. I'm so sick of this once great country being overrun by know alls and do gooders making excuses for scum of the earth, like this, allowing them to keep doing whatever they please. This a-hole had the hide to send letters to the families of our soldiers that lost their lives fighting to help keep this country safe for ungrateful a-holes like this. These were not letters of love and support, no they were letters saying how he was glad they died, that they were child killers, killers of innocent people and other BS in the name of so called "religion" What happens to this a-hole when caught and goes to court, you guessed it, they taught him a serious lesson, they gave this a-hole community service and a good behaviour bond. Apparently in this country, it's his right to freedom of speech. If I go to say anything about this a-hole, then I'm apparently a racist, as we don't want to offend anyone in this country. WTF is wrong with this place, this a-hole can send disgusting letters of hatred and that's alright, but anybody questions this and don't understand why this a-hole is allowed to stay here, then we're all a bunch of racists. This a-hole not only did this but has spread his hatred around in speeches, but also on charges of "conspiring" to kill his ex wife/partner and sexually abusing women, claiming to be a "healer" or whatever other BS he says he is. These other "peace" loving people claim he was no sheik or whatever BS he claimed, well they had an interview with this a-holes ex lawyer saying he's seen all the documentation saying that he is. Another thing that P's me right off though is the media and their BS reporting. They tell us all that this a-hole chose this location because of its proximity to media and so forth, no, no, no, Lindt is a company that will not bow down to these people of "peaceful" faith and put halal certification on its products. These so called people of a "peaceful" faith bully and extort companies here with this BS halal certification saying if they don't, they will not be allowed to export to these "peaceful" faith countries, let alone other stories that have come out about tactics used against smaller companies so they'll comply with this BS certification. Another crazy thing about this P/weak do gooder country is every time something happens that involves these people of "peace" they turn it all around and it becomes about them by playing the "feel sorry" or "we're scared" card. There's a couple of BS campaigns happening here now such as "I'll ride with you" so do gooders can feel better about themselves riding on public transport with these "scared" people, and the one I can't believe has just come about, the "wear a certain coloured ribbon" in support of these people. WTF what about showing some sort of support for these poor people that were held captive by this nutter a-hole and unfortunately two of these paid the ultimate price with their lives and their friends and family. I really wish I could to go to work today and not to the specialist as all these do gooders on TV are giving me the $h!t$, so I did the right thing and turned it off before I threw it out the window. This really makes my blood boil just seeing our great country going down the toilet and all these do gooders making excuses, unBLOODY real.:mad:

Good Man Dana thanks for checking in.

I was all for a tolerant resolution to this situation. 2 in the head then give him the right to explain himself. My head office is in Sydney and I have just been talking to staff there. Sydney is a bit subdued today. I watched some of the siege with my ex SAS mate, if this idiot or any other wants to play terrorist just send in the counter terrorist team from SASR and again right of reply could be extended after the gun fire ceases.

I suppose we are lucky that we live in a country where any type of armed siege is so far out of the norm and rare it shocks or offends most of us,like wise violent protests or public riots. When this becomes second rate news here then I believe we are f#cked.

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4v ....we feel your frustration! Stuff has been allowed to go so far the other direction because we have shown acceptance and tolerance without conflict. Rather than embrace it and show real respect they have taken the inch and ask for the mile.

A I stated to a liberal across the street their tolerance is extended only to those like minded idiots. " He said but you old guys only look things one way". I explained that any conservative offers an opinion, they show no tolerance what so ever. Any conservative's opinion is different they (him) become immediately indignant. So his acceptance and tolerance is false based prophecy. Therefore he's nothing more than a liar and false prophet.

Then I invited him to step into the world education and realize bad people mock you, consider you a fool and you're nothing more than a FOOL as a tool to them.

Tolerance has a limit it is finite,tolerance is the resistance of control by others.

There is a book called "The river war" it is a beautifully written book by Winston Churchill in 1899. Google the qoute on Islam from this book. It seems that old Winny seen this coming way back then.

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Yes Carter exactly right, it's all these touchy-feely do gooder, tolerance is the answer, gonna save the world blind sheep that is ruining this world. These idiots not only can't see the forest for the trees, but if you snapped a branch from one of the trees and hit them over the head with it, they'd still tell you there's no forest there. This is how dumb these people are, the terrorists are now acting singularly and now we are being told that they are "lone wolves" Are they for real, seriously, all these "lone wolves" now working around the world eg: the UK, Canada, the Boston marathon etc, etc. These scumbags are not "lone wolves" it's just how terrorism has changed, instead of a group of them, such as 9-11, Bali and the UK underground attacks, they realised that there maybe a chance one of the group maybe being "watched" but if there is only one or two of them, then the chances of them succeeding is a lot higher. I was told something by my mother in law over 20 years ago that I tell people how right she was back then. My wife is a Greek Cypriot, my mother in law said to me about these certain people being let in the country. She said Australia needs to stop these allowing these people in, or the same thing will end up happening here, as it did in Cypress. They let a few in because they were seeking asylum from their country and people felt sorry for them, she then says the problem is then more and more keep coming over, then they start breeding like "rats" then you're overrun with them, then they seek to take over your country, just like they did in Cyprus, and that's the reason why they left Cyprus as they could see what they were on verge of at that time, not long after they left the country was invaded. Oh how right she was. And just to show what "REAL" Australians are up against here, the idiot leader of the "Green" party, put up a statement (finally) basically feeling sorry for the a-hole gunman, saying that he was a poor refugee that was let down by the country, WTF, is she for real no mention of the poor hostages or the two deceased people and their families. No wonder this country is F##KED, these are the sort of morons in power over here. She must've copped heaps (good) as she's now retracted that statement and now put up one pretending that she actually cares for the victims of this tragedy. I'm sorry Sarah Hanson-Young you actually showed your true colours, and how you think Australians are second class citizens in their own country and rather allow terrorists to roam around the place as they please. For gods sake everyone, take a look at the pathetic leadership we have here and don't let this happen in your countries.
