Yes Carter exactly right, it's all these touchy-feely do gooder, tolerance is the answer, gonna save the world blind sheep that is ruining this world. These idiots not only can't see the forest for the trees, but if you snapped a branch from one of the trees and hit them over the head with it, they'd still tell you there's no forest there. This is how dumb these people are, the terrorists are now acting singularly and now we are being told that they are "lone wolves" Are they for real, seriously, all these "lone wolves" now working around the world eg: the UK, Canada, the Boston marathon etc, etc. These scumbags are not "lone wolves" it's just how terrorism has changed, instead of a group of them, such as 9-11, Bali and the UK underground attacks, they realised that there maybe a chance one of the group maybe being "watched" but if there is only one or two of them, then the chances of them succeeding is a lot higher. I was told something by my mother in law over 20 years ago that I tell people how right she was back then. My wife is a Greek Cypriot, my mother in law said to me about these certain people being let in the country. She said Australia needs to stop these allowing these people in, or the same thing will end up happening here, as it did in Cypress. They let a few in because they were seeking asylum from their country and people felt sorry for them, she then says the problem is then more and more keep coming over, then they start breeding like "rats" then you're overrun with them, then they seek to take over your country, just like they did in Cyprus, and that's the reason why they left Cyprus as they could see what they were on verge of at that time, not long after they left the country was invaded. Oh how right she was. And just to show what "REAL" Australians are up against here, the idiot leader of the "Green" party, put up a statement (finally) basically feeling sorry for the a-hole gunman, saying that he was a poor refugee that was let down by the country, WTF, is she for real no mention of the poor hostages or the two deceased people and their families. No wonder this country is F##KED, these are the sort of morons in power over here. She must've copped heaps (good) as she's now retracted that statement and now put up one pretending that she actually cares for the victims of this tragedy. I'm sorry Sarah Hanson-Young you actually showed your true colours, and how you think Australians are second class citizens in their own country and rather allow terrorists to roam around the place as they please. For gods sake everyone, take a look at the pathetic leadership we have here and don't let this happen in your countries.