Door glass alignment

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Jul 5, 2013
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Jonesborough, TN
My Car
1973 Mustang Mach 1
I have the stationary quarter windows in place and the door windows installed. Now I am having a major headache getting the windows to align. I have the bottom of the quarter window adjusted all the way out, and the door glass adjusted as best I can. I have worked on it, walked away, come back the next day and worked on it some more. I finally removed the window, put in a different mechanism, and reinstalled the window, with no discernable reduction in the gap at the bottom of the window.


Does anyone have an idea on how to get just the bottom rear edge of the door window to move inward? The top is lined up okay, and the front is good, but the back edge and especially the bottom rear corner are driving me nuts. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Maybe it just the angle but from your picture it looks like the door isn't flush with the quarter panel. You may need to adjust the door catch post to pull the door in more or the hinges if door is hitting at bottom but out at top. If they aren't flush, you will never get it adjusted.
I have experienced this on my convertible. Mine is from frame sag. Frame has sagged and windshield leaning towards driver, alignment to wind shield throws out alignment to 1/4 window. My door jamb is nice except for where it meets the sill, the gap is larger at the front bottom. Had to adjust to happy medium till I get subframe connectors at a frame shop
Agree with Kilgon, the door needs to be flush to the quarter before you start alignment of the glass. There's a specific sequence to get the window aligned, it's outlined in Section 42-01 of the factory shop manual.
If you have new weatherstrip on both the door and the glass that can affect the fit for a period of time while they both compress a little. It looks like you may have some rippling on the top seal above the glass. Can that be pulled out to either end? If the door weatherstrip is also new and the door has not been closed for very long it can take a few days for that to compress a bit. Just a couple more thoughts in pursuit of alignment.
I’m having a similar issue with my static quarter windows on my 73. I installed new weatherstripping but the quarter window doesn’t sit flush to the weatherstrip. It’s like a quarter inch gap at the top and I can’t seem to get a good seal on the window. Has anyone reinstalled static quarter windows and had a similar issue?

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