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I also wouldn´t use any 10 buck gun to give the final layers on my cars... Not because itis cheap but for the fact that you have to trust your gun to do those final layers.... I use SAGOLA guns and my 1.4 one is the queen there... I keep it as clean as new etc... I love this gun most of all because i trust it a lot and i know how to paint with it...

In the Uruguayan market there are several cheap guns... i believe the brand is Flourish... I have 3 or 4 of them because when i started with this i couldnt afford a 800 buck spray gun.... well...that cheap ones compare with the ones i´m used to use now are garbage... the main issue is the shape of the drop shape... in here we call that "orange skin" when your paint seems to be too thick...That makes you wetsand A LOT and that is not good not only for the ammount of time you have to do this extra work but for all the material you are throwing away...

I think this 9 buck gun worth a try definitely but as i said before, if i were you guys and you are starting to do paintjobs, i wouldn´t start with this super cheap gun because if you do not handle the technique very well, a cheap gun wont make things any easier...

It would be great to get one of our pro members and friends to try one and then give a objective resumate on this gun... I´m sure this can work well for some minor parts anyway so, for the ammount of money that this costs, it is worth a try...

You guys in america should have a semi pro line of sprayguns for kinda 100 bucks, isnt it?... Well.. that is what i´d look for to start... a good but not a "ferrari" spray gun! :p
Here's my final take on this..All these guns are tools..Of course some are better than others..But it's the person using the tool that determines the final outcome..Kinda like a guitar player..A good player can take any piece of junk guitar & make it sing a beautiful song.

Here's my final take on this..All these guns are tools..Of course some are better than others..But it's the person using the tool that determines the final outcome..Kinda like a guitar player..A good player can take any piece of junk guitar & make it sing a beautiful song.
Or a new guitar player like me can take a $4000 guitar and make sounds with it like a guy who needs lots more practice. :p

I have bought just about every gun from Harbor freight and I recommend avoiding most of them except for the link posted below, this set is by far a better gun than the rest that Harbor freight sells, there good for primer and base and clear coat, this set comes with both 1.4 and 1.8 tips for the larger gun, 1.4 tip for basecoat and clearcoat and thin primers and 1.8 for high fill primers.

Another great gun for the money is the Astro-Pneumatic Euro gun for $90 to $120 (see links below),the last three digits in the part number is the size of the tip for the Astro gun, all around good size is a 1.4 to 1.5 tip, I have a lot of experience with painting YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY A CHEAP GUN !

those Harbor freight $20 to $40 guns leak at the bottom of the cup just to name one issue, believe me Ive tried them all!
I have a lot of experience too..over 25 years to be exact..Would I use any of those guns to paint a car ? NO..I'm going to reach for my trusty sata jets. But for hobbyists on a budget which most of the guys are here..There's no need to spend big bucks for a gun that their going to use a few times in the course of there restoration. I disagree about using cheap guns for primers..It's primer.. thats going to be sanded blocked..The cheap guns are very good these days & I always wrap some teflon tape around the threads where the cup attaches..Never had one leak.
Primer or not you want the paint on the car not in the air, buy a decent HVLP gun and save money in long run by putting the paint on the car and not in the atmosphere (less overspray).Im not saying buy the $400 spray gun the pros use, Im suggesting to buy the $70 to $100 guns and get your best bang for your buck,isnt this what this forum is for?, to give good advice and save peoepe money with knowledge?

Given I may only use this a few times, it would be cheap to try. HF is only a few blocks from my house so it's easy to run around to corner and pick up a couple of items (like a spray gun).

I have bought just about every gun from Harbor freight and I recommend avoiding most of them except for the link posted below, this set is by far a better gun than the rest that Harbor freight sells, there good for primer and base and clear coat, this set comes with both 1.4 and 1.8 tips for the larger gun, 1.4 tip for basecoat and clearcoat and thin primers and 1.8 for high fill primers.

Another great gun for the money is the Astro-Pneumatic Euro gun for $90 to $120 (see links below),the last three digits in the part number is the size of the tip for the Astro gun, all around good size is a 1.4 to 1.5 tip, I have a lot of experience with painting YOU DON'T WANT TO BUY A CHEAP GUN !

those Harbor freight $20 to $40 guns leak at the bottom of the cup just to name one issue, believe me Ive tried them all!
I have a lot of experience too..over 25 years to be exact..Would I use any of those guns to paint a car ? NO..I'm going to reach for my trusty sata jets. But for hobbyists on a budget which most of the guys are here..There's no need to spend big bucks for a gun that their going to use a few times in the course of there restoration. I disagree about using cheap guns for primers..It's primer.. thats going to be sanded blocked..The cheap guns are very good these days & I always wrap some teflon tape around the threads where the cup attaches..Never had one leak.
Primer or not you want the paint on the car not in the air, buy a decent HVLP gun and save money in long run by putting the paint on the car and not in the atmosphere (less overspray).Im not saying buy the $400 spray gun the pros use, Im suggesting to buy the $70 to $100 guns and get your best bang for your buck,isnt this what this forum is for?, to give good advice and save peoepe money with knowledge?
Agreed..It's all about transfer efficiency..In a production environment your saving big money in material so it pays to have a gun with the highest transfer efficiency possible..In a hobbyist environment ? A sprayable gallon of spi epoxy is $127.00 so I buy the 85.00 gun vs the 12.99 hvlp gun. I need to save 72.01 to make it break even..Is that 85.00 gun going to save me more than half of the sprayable gallon ? Or you can look at it this way ..I have a one time need to spray a gallon on the car. better gun 85 + 127 =212.00

cheap gun 12.99 + 127 =139.99 The savings just aren't there for the occasional hobbyist user..As a shop owner I spent enormous amounts of time doing cost analysts of materials & equipment to run more efficient & profitable in my shop. When I made an investment in equipment that equipment had to make me money to justify it's purchase. I agree with you in a shop environment or someone who does this for his livelihood but for hobbyist use I don't agree. jmho

Personally, I haven't had a problem with leaking and dripping with this gun, but I have had this happen with other brands of cheap guns. So you have to check it out and bring back a crappy one.

For $10, you just might be shocked at the quality of a Chinese "knock-off" gun. I doubt that Sata or any other brand uses manufacturing techniques that can't be duplicated. In fact, a lot of products seem to come off the same line in China as the "name brands" (which often have the "made in China" sticker on them anyway.)

With regard to "orange peel, or skin," I have turned out good and bad. Guess what? It's been my pressures, paint reduction, distance to surface, angle of gun held, temperature and humidity, brand of paint or even a headache lol and a lot of factors other than quality of this gun. I know some professional restorers who would never consider using Matrix or Kirker paints. That's understandable, considering the cost of their labor and value of a customer's car. Why take a chance when it's being paid for.

However, as a home hobbyist, I can experiment on a spare hood, and I have used a lot of different brands of paints, and even (OMG) mixed brands of chemicals. That's the great part about having an internet site like this one to share results with others. It's $10 bucks ...try one and report back here ! I find my $200 Devilbis HVLP to be rather clunky and produces a lot more overspray and larger droplets. I do think it's due to my lack of experience, and not the gun, though.

I fully see both points and I agree with Scott. It would take a few cars to justify a more expensive gun. Even then I'll have left over material in the can. What am I going to do with that, paint my patio furniture bright red? :p

Who's talking about an expensive gun? I never did ...your saying $59 is expensive for a spray gun? Really?..... Im saying of the all the spray guns Harbor freight has to offer (and Ive tried them all) your best bet as a hobbyists or whomever you may call yourself is to buy Harbor freight gun Item # 94572

Its on on sale right now for $49 that's for TWO guns mind you, a standard size gun and a small detail gun these guns are WAY better than the other models they offer as I have used them all.

There are many many many threads on the HF "purple" gun on the hotrodders board. You can read about the part number Scott posted as well as its successors until your eyes bleed. The consensus is they are a bargain for the home hobbyist which can deliver reasonable results but you wouldn't want to paint your Bugatti with it. I don't think anyone disputes there are better guns available for more money.

Either gun could be considered... just remember to bring the $20.00 coupon from your favorite car magazine. Or bring several of the coupons and buy 1 item at a time. I do not need a gun yet but the $10.00 gun is too good to pass up. I'll probably use it only for primer and either borrow a better gun for paint or find a painter to put the color on.

Who's talking about an expensive gun? I never did ...your saying $59 is expensive for a spray gun? Really?

"Another great gun for the money is the Astro-Pneumatic Euro gun for $90 to $120"
I never said or used the word expensive ( That was Don) ..I took 85 as an in between number from your 90-120.. There's lots of guys here "hobbyists" who are on tight budgets.. So for them every dollar counts. Me I may just sell off my sata's to buy this when it's time to paint my mustang. My sata's are over 10 years old & like anything else there's newer & better technology due to evolution !

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Who's talking about an expensive gun? I never did ...your saying $59 is expensive for a spray gun? Really?

"Another great gun for the money is the Astro-Pneumatic Euro gun for $90 to $120"
I never said or used the word expensive ( That was Don) ..I took 85 as an in between number from your 90-120.. There's lots of guys here "hobbyists" who are on tight budgets.. So for them every dollar counts. Me I may just sell off my sata's to buy this when it's time to paint my mustang. My sata's are over 10 years old & like anything else there's newer & better technology due to evolution !
I've sprayed the supernova quite a bit as I was a tech/sales rep for a jobber until about 6 months ago. IMHO I'll stick with SATA. their new 4000 HVLP and RP both totally kick ass! I had demo units of them all, unfortunately when I quit, I had to give 'em all back. I still have my personal SATA 2000 HVLP, 3000 HVLP, & 3000 RP. I wouldn't trade them for anything! They've repaid me WAY over the $500+ I paid for each of them. I do still keep a few old DeVilbiss guns around for primer, but if one of them craps out you can bet I'll be at harbor fright tomorrow before I put filler primer or spray polyester through my SATA's! T the end of the day, I've seen some pretty nice paint jobs come out of cheap knock off guns, but try to do it as consistently as a well built name brand...the longevity just isn't there. I was a painter for years, so I was able to justify it, if you're painting 1 or 2 cars in your lifetime, I say go for the cheapo's! Even if 3 or 4 of 'em crap out during one job, you've still spent less than you would for a SATA!!!

This has been helpful for me, as I have thought about buying that HF two gun kit referred to above by Supercoupe, on more than one occasion, but I figured it was no better than the other cheaper ones. Since Supercoupe has actually used it, and says the gun kit is pretty good ( I know it's no SATA or IWATA ) I think I may pick up that #94572 set. I'll let you know if I buy and use it in the future. Thanks for the info!

By the way, as for the "purple handle guns" I have found that not all of the Chinese brands of this clone are the same. I have tried Michigan Tool, Buffalo Tools, and some other brand (can't remember but you see it at all the swaps) and some are made like crap. They just aren't as well made as the HF guns. If you look closely at them, side by side, you can spot some of the crudeness.

Got an Email from Harbor Freight about their tool sale this weekend and noticed the gun was on sale for 9.99 , so i went and got one today,( along with a few more spot weld bits ) Can't beat that price


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