hello from france


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this is bad, because it is the best series finished, they have a good handling, and are more comfortable compared to my 66 !

you're French? 73vertproject?

c'est bete , car ce sont les series les mieux finies, elles ont une bonne tenue de route , et sont plus confortables , comparer a ma 66

vous etes francais? 73vertproject ?
Non, je suis Americain. J'ai etudie le francais a l'universite y a l'ecole secondaire. Je ne recois pas de pratiquer tres souvant. Comme vous pouvez voir. :)

We will see in a few year how Mustangs from 71-73 will be considered, it's just a question of time.

But anyway, I love my car and this is enough for me.

When I drive it, everybody is watching, and I receive a lot of kind words, specially in France where American cars are not so common.

Viva Mustangs:heart:
hello manu64 et bastien where were you guys when i was in france in april and a couple of weeks ago in september doing les rallye des jonquilles and rallye d,artois up in n.e france just south of st. omer in my 73 mach1 i live on south coast of england and will be back next april we should meet up all for now so toodle pip and keep the faith with the last of the big mustang mickmatt
Of course we keep in touch, will be a pleasure to meet another fan with his Mustang.

You must be somewhere here?


A bientôt

Or (and) here:


I found you, red Mustang :)

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We will see in a few year how Mustangs from 71-73 will be considered, it's just a question of time.

But anyway, I love my car and this is enough for me.

When I drive it, everybody is watching, and I receive a lot of kind words, specially in France where American cars are not so common.

Viva Mustangs:heart:
hello manu64 et bastien where were you guys when i was in france in april and a couple of weeks ago in september doing les rallye des jonquilles and rallye d,artois up in n.e france just south of st. omer in my 73 mach1 i live on south coast of england and will be back next april we should meet up all for now so toodle pip and keep the faith with the last of the big mustang mickmatt
Of course we keep in touch, will be a pleasure to meet another fan with his Mustang.

You must be somewhere here?


A bientôt

Or (and) here:


I found you, red Mustang :)
yes that is us have been told over the weekend next years rally is on 14 april keep in touch and would like to meet up cheers mickmatt

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