Help me find a band name.

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Free beer. Then the bar reader board will say...Free beer tonight!! lol
Ha ha that happened in Kalgoorlie supposedly. Why back in the day Some event had alcohol free at the bottom of the sign.record attendance followed by a record departure. Hope it's true as I like it when the terminally stupid are caught out on mass :)

Mike Magnum 500 does sound like a condom brand also S&W have a 500 mag. How about buster hyman and the delicious groove much less offensive

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buster hyman and the delicious groove?!?

Geez, I don't know what you are smoking but I want some of it too! :)

I loved the answers so far and it gives me a pretty good insight on the twisted minds here. :)

I was expecting these kinds of responses which is why I posted here. I knew I was gonna be in for a laugh. But if I really have to decide on a name for the band you need to remember that this is not an English speaking country. Many people speak it because they learned it in school but most will not be able to memorize a complicated name or get the pun in names like "Buster Hyman" and the likes.

Another thing is that, given their accents, they will not get the double meaning that may come from pronunciation.

Travis, I must say that "Redline" is pretty good for what I need. Simple, catchy, gear heads will know what it stands for, others will be able to simply memorize the word.

Anyway, keep them coming. This is a great psychological study. :)

Mike You guys speak French German and a local lets say Lux language. Do you want a car/motorsport type name or just something cool that fits the local luxicon ;)

what is the correct name of the local dialect

Ok heres the best that I've got.

You own a killer yellow Mustang Vert

You like to Go Fast in your mustang

Your rock music will make anybodies head spin with delight

The Name of your band is....... VERTIGO

Sky Blue Pink with a Purple Blue Hue (The Color of Infinity)

I haven't laughed so much in a while with those generated names ....

I'd keep it simple and call it "CONVERT"....because the band's charm will convert many.

And we all know the other secret double meaning.

Stumbled in a pub in Brunswick many years ago on a Friday night to see a local cover band with a nice female singer singing dio rainbow songs... She had the voice to do them justice too ...

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"Ours go to eleven"
You won´t believe it but I play a Soldano amp and it actually does go to eleven!

Mike Soldano even once admitted it was a Spinal Tap reference.

Here´s a cropped pic of the amp.
May I offer a suggestion then?

"Ocean's Eleven."


There was a band in California in the 80's called Mag Wheel and the Lug Nuts. I dont know if they are still around but i doubt they played in Europe. The name always stuck in my mind. They were a 50's rock band, as you would leather jackets, DA's and Dick Dale songs. If the female isnt the lead it would work. Ever play Leader of the Pack?

Btw, i like all the music styles you mentioned, but how do you find an audience that like Joplin AND Tom Petty, and ZZ Top? Over here the audiences would boo if you switched up the set that much. Bobby Magee into Here Comes My Girl into La Grange? What, no Ramones?
