hi my name is Mila


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Hey, can you tell us why you got banned from VMF?
But the bottom line is I was banned no notice and it was because 100% because I am transgender girl they could obviously see that from my face as I am in the middle of transitioning so my face does not look feminine as it will in the future so the person was unpaid moderator didn’t even give me a chance to change it to blank or anything it was nothing I posted the thing if you go on there you saw my post was no different from some questions about it was before I was buying the Mach 1 I was looking at a couple different ones so I was getting some opinions as it’s hard to tell what’s a good price what are the options etc. and that was it yet I don’t know Before I knew it I got an email saying I was banned because of my avatar meeting my photo my face I was all about me somebody racist and they just don’t like transgender people probably don’t like colored people people that’s different from them I don’t know I don’t know for sure but obviously I do know that they hated me for who I am and it really hurt me hurt me bad didn’t but I do not want to be involved or being a forum that I’m hated for who I am I’m just worried that people here so wanted to bring up maybe being a fake person or transgender when I’m here to talk about cars I finally got my car up to Los Angeles to buy it by $1200 to have it shipped back here on a semi got it about two weeks ago and I was excited to post it on the forum to show everybody and then get some advice on some of the things that I didn’t understand never gonna bring up anything about me as a person that they don’t even know me so I’m pretty hurt I just hope that this is over and we can just go back to talking about cars because I mean it really does hurt my feelings I mean I’m I’m human I cried when I read some of these post on here when I was just introducing my car
Well, hopefully we will be able to keep it all mustang related. Although many of us will make occasional personal jokes about ourselves being old farts and such.

I haven't read many of your responses, only because I find it difficult to follow along when no punctuation is used. And while you do not need to modify your writing style to accommodate me, I will be happy to help you along on your Mustang journey if you help by including a few periods and commas. It doesn't have to be perfect, goodness knows Mr. Stirckmire would fail me again in writing class, but it will help me to understand your posts.
Well, hopefully we will be able to keep it all mustang related. Although many of us will make occasional personal jokes about ourselves being old farts and such.

I haven't read many of your responses, only because I find it difficult to follow along when no punctuation is used. And while you do not need to modify your writing style to accommodate me, I will be happy to help you along on your Mustang journey if you help by including a few periods and commas. It doesn't have to be perfect, goodness knows Mr. Stirckmire would fail me again in writing class, but it will help me to understand your posts.
Yeah sorry I’m working on my masters my NBA and I also grew up texting so when I am in class my Puncch
Well, hopefully we will be able to keep it all mustang related. Although many of us will make occasional personal jokes about ourselves being old farts and such.

I haven't read many of your responses, only because I find it difficult to follow along when no punctuation is used. And while you do not need to modify your writing style to accommodate me, I will be happy to help you along on your Mustang journey if you help by including a few periods and commas. It doesn't have to be perfect, goodness knows Mr. Stirckmire would fail me again in writing class, but it will help me to understand your posts.
I apologise for my grammar I am in the middle of my NBA working on my masters so my punctuation and everything has to be perfect but when I’m not in class or doing homework I grew up basically texting so it’s kind of two different worlds. When I feel hurt when I read these responses that are not about my car but about me as a person I tend to forget about grammar punctuation as I’m upset usually crying I’m very sensitive but I will make sure to do better when I speak with you. I also wanted to tell you I have to use the voice activation for my iPhone because of my arthritis so it doesn’t like to respond very well when I say. Or, or! Sometimes it does good sometimes it’s terrible I much rather be typing with my hands but I just I can’t just too painful so unfortunately I have to use this voice typing which is so frustrating it’s an accurate. FYI
I apologise for my grammar I am in the middle of my NBA working on my masters so my punctuation and everything has to be perfect but when I’m not in class or doing homework I grew up basically texting so it’s kind of two different worlds. When I feel hurt when I read these responses that are not about my car but about me as a person I tend to forget about grammar punctuation as I’m upset usually crying I’m very sensitive but I will make sure to do better when I speak with you. I also wanted to tell you I have to use the voice activation for my iPhone because of my arthritis so it doesn’t like to respond very well when I say. Or, or! Sometimes it does good sometimes it’s terrible I much rather be typing with my hands but I just I can’t just too painful so unfortunately I have to use this voice typing which is so frustrating it’s an accurate. FYI
Once again the voice activation said NBA it’s supposed to say MBA masters of business administration.
I apologise for my grammar I am in the middle of my NBA working on my masters so my punctuation and everything has to be perfect but when I’m not in class or doing homework I grew up basically texting so it’s kind of two different worlds. When I feel hurt when I read these responses that are not about my car but about me as a person I tend to forget about grammar punctuation as I’m upset usually crying I’m very sensitive but I will make sure to do better when I speak with you. I also wanted to tell you I have to use the voice activation for my iPhone because of my arthritis so it doesn’t like to respond very well when I say. Or, or! Sometimes it does good sometimes it’s terrible I much rather be typing with my hands but I just I can’t just too painful so unfortunately I have to use this voice typing which is so frustrating it’s an accurate. FYI
Thanks! Do what you can, it doesn't have to be perfect. Reading this post was much much easier, I can usually figure it out if there is some punctuation.
Let's get this thread back to the mustang shown in the first introduction post and the restoration of it.

Rebuilding a mustang can be done by anyone that is interested in doing it.
Let's get this thread back to the mustang shown in the first introduction post and the restoration of it.

Rebuilding a mustang can be done by anyone that is interested in doing it.
Thank you, I’ve had some very great help on here and really I think I’ve got a direction on how to start but this is my first project to where I’m making it into a show car before I built you know just more of street race cars I’m looking forward to being accepted on this site hopefully thank you very much
Welcome from So Cal, you should start a build page so we can all follow along. Looks like a great project car.
Thank you that is a great idea I’ll do one of those free blogs on Google. Speaking of Southern California. I forgot to Los Angeles and stayed in the valley the car was at a house in Granada Hills very nice neighbourhood. I bought it from its third owner the original owner that bought it New owned it till like 1983 or so he sold it to his friend well sometimes in the mid 90s something happened with the motor and they just let it set For the next 10 to 15 years until the guy that sold it to me as is he happened already have a 351 Cleveland that he had put incredibly amount of money in I mean I looked up the flow has there were $2600 for the quick carburet was over $1200. He added the underneath front spoiler he installed a new gas tank and replaced everything on the front disc brakes nothing on the back so I also have he also had the original motor rebuilt so I was able to put the heads and everything in the truck while I had it shipped via semi-which cost me $1200 But I’m having the motor ship the block which is luckily out of 15 places they either wanted $780-$1200 just to ship it and it was already ready to go created with the around it covered drained perfect but I found a place that’s for $500.
Thanks for the explanation of your situation and why you were banned on the other forum. Mustang restoration can obviously be a male or female activity. In all honesty it is a heavily male-oriented hobby and activity however. I think what some people were concerned about is that people posing as females will try to infiltrate certain more male-oriented forums, and they turn out to be located in other countries and are trying to scam people out of money one way or another. Based on your explanations this does not seem to be the case with you, so please by all means proceed with the Mustang conversations.(y) And certainly being located in Texas there are likely other forum members located near you.
Thanks for the explanation of your situation and why you were banned on the other forum. Mustang restoration can obviously be a male or female activity. In all honesty it is a heavily male-oriented hobby and activity however. I think what some people were concerned about is that people posing as females will try to infiltrate certain more male-oriented forums, and they turn out to be located in other countries and are trying to scam people out of money one way or another. Based on your explanations this does not seem to be the case with you, so please by all means proceed with the Mustang conversations.(y) And certainly being located in Texas there are likely other forum members located near you.
You know I am naive at a lot of things so I hear your explanation but it just does not make any sense to me obviously I know scammers but has there been anybody do that here where they act like a woman to try to get money from a forum I just I don’t get it I wasn’t banned from the other forum because of they thought that I was banned because of a moderator did not like transgender people sadly it’s just I’m used to it you know generally people are very good to me but you know there’s people ripped me online Call me ugly I mean you name it I’ll try not to let it bother me but I’m so sensitive I didn’t have a childhood it was taken from me unfortunately I went onto that forum and introduced myself the exact same way and had two threads asking about what people thought about these two different Mustangs I was looking at buying not the one that I end up buying. I worked out because I wouldn’t want to be in a forum where somebody doesn’t want me because of who I am as a person as a gender.. lifetime fitness took away my membership when I came out as transgender even though I called them first and told them hey I’ve changed my name I came out as Trans is that gonna be an issue and they said no not at all. Couple days later I get a email from the manager asking me to resign because they wouldn’t feel comfortable with me being there that was my first experience with filling the pain I was naive I didn’t think that people wouldn’t see me as a person. Unfortunately I think some people hear about somebody being banned from some site and they’re just nosy and I just wanna know I mean even though it’s has nothing to do with them and they could obviously tell from my post and that I’m just a normal person just like anybody else just getting advice from Mustangs and showing off mine was excited to show it to other Mustang enthusiast and so when people wanted to bring up something other than Mustangs yeah obviously I didn’t feel good about it made me sick but I said you don’t get used to it I hope I can be numb to it I hope, I just hope this is the end of it and I won’t have to hear about it again or somebody being bothered about me being Trans or me being banned from being banned from one of the other of the 20 Mustang Forum. I do appreciate the majority of the people on here that didn’t ask me about it didn’t call me that I look like a dude I haven’t had my facial surgery just yet it’s scheduled for later on this year so you know I’m halfway through my surgeries so yeah I’m gonna look different and That’s just how it is for a little bit
I I was banned only because I was transgender I had my photo of there and apparently the people that are not paid admin of the site obviously don’t like transgender people and they didn’t give me any chance to hide it and I wouldn’t want to been a part of it anyways not from people that’s gonna treat me like that so yeah I don’t know why you guys want to bring this up hurtful I’m here to talk about Mustangs and I’ve had three people bring it up about me being transgender and it’s very hurtful I guess I just can’t use any forum and just get advice from you know people that I meet at car shows because it doesn’t sound like I’m wanted here just ruin my day

My post only states my opinion...that your post looked suspicious. You state "I don't know why you guys want to bring this up hurtful..." I only saw where you brought up anything about transgenderism. Not picking on you, just calling it as I see it.

Did the Vintage Mustang Forum tell you they banned you for being transgender? I read some of your posts and noticed details that didn't make any sense....that's a trait of the "catfish" posts and I suspect that contributed to banishment.

Some would consider pictures like post #18 to be mildly pornographic and inappropriate in a forum such as this. Perhaps you posted similar pictures in the VMF that led to banishment?

If you're here to get help with 71-73 mustangs, you've come to the right place. Lots of knowledge and helpful people here.

Best wishes to you.
My post only states my opinion...that your post looked suspicious. You state "I don't know why you guys want to bring this up hurtful..." I only saw where you brought up anything about transgenderism. Not picking on you, just calling it as I see it.

Did the Vintage Mustang Forum tell you they banned you for being transgender? I read some of your posts and noticed details that didn't make any sense....that's a trait of the "catfish" posts and I suspect that contributed to banishment.

Some would consider pictures like post #18 to be mildly pornographic and inappropriate in a forum such as this. Perhaps you posted similar pictures in the VMF that led to banishment?

If you're here to get help with 71-73 mustangs, you've come to the right place. Lots of knowledge and helpful people here.

Best wishes to you.
I had to bring up that I was transgender because several different people recalling me a dude and talking about or more guessing of what I was and I’m not embarrassed to be transgender I am proud to be a girl even though it comes with consequences like this we still talking about it No it is what I say I mean unfortunately I wish it wasn’t I would love for it not to be that way but you wouldn’t know unless you lived in my footsteps for the last two years unfortunately there’s people that just dislike people for many different reasons sexual preference Transgender dysphoria luckily it’s not everybody I wish nobody would’ve even brought up another forum that has nothing to do with this forum I mean this is embarrassing for me to have to talk about it I don’t wanna talk about it I shouldn’t have to talk about it I shouldn’t have to explain myself if I was trying to scam anybody have I tried to ask anybody for money or anything have I not only shown my car and then asked for some suggestions on the suspension on my mirror issue and this is the last I’m gonna say about this because I do not want to talk about this anymore so please please nobody ask me about my gender about that other stupid forum that banned me from me because I was transgender 100% why they banned me I will show you the emails so let’s just talk about Mustang please please I’m begging you
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Howdy and welcome from San Antonio! Looks like you got a great car for your plans. Lots of great advice and sharing of information on these forums. Don't hesitate to ask questions and jump in the discussions.
Hey thanks yeah I’m up in Bedford suburb of Fort I’m hoping to join a Mustang club up here maybe meet some like-minded people
Hi Mila, glad to have you on here. We all come from different backgrounds and have different life stories, and love for these Mustangs bring us all together. We welcome you to the group and hope you get lots of good info and resources from this site, as most of us have. Your '71 is gorgeous, hope to see the progress!

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