Just seemed Tis the time


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Merry Christmas from the Simmons family

Jeff, Cresta and our baby boy, Skeeter Wydell Simmons

2012-11-16_18-39-59_307 (Medium).jpg

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Which one is the photo of?

Search deep into your soul my friend, it will tell you that you are staring into the eyes of Skeeter Wydell, dogonit!

He is the savage protector of our home and 71 convertible, be careful and do not stare directly into his eyes. He will lull you into a sense of tranquility then strike with you with vengeance, for he is the world’s most interesting dog.

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Merry Christmas from the Carter Family



Maggie the ultimate Olympic swimmer in her parents mind kid

Jazber the flop eared German Shepard (most Shepards worth mentioning ears stand up)

Bubba the Wonder Dog (aka mixed breed of Australian Shepard and something)

SmittyKitty the homeless Tabby that decided I was the weak bastage that would feed him cat.

Merry Christmas WhiteSoc

my best buddy... a mixed Yellow Lab and Golden Retriever ....I named him Ozzy. He was with us for 12 years. Smart Tuff... Protective...Loving Bad Azz!!!!! He's been gone 3yrs...still miss him.
