Just an off topic discussion to share. As I've posted before, I am in the process of trying to sell my Mach. The real motivation is because I am trying to put myself in a better finacial position for things to come with both the lady and near future in general. However, my desire for being around classic cars and car shows isn't gonna go away that easy nor do I want it to. My dad has had a lot of cars in his life, many of which I know he wishes he still had. (I'm sure most of us can relate). But I know one he told me about was a 1979 Corvette. He had a black one and the story goes that one weekend while he was away, his wife at the time (ex-wife now and not my mom, lol) was approached by a man who saw the corvette sitting outside. He offered her some money (idk the amount) and she ended up selling it to him. Well my dad comes home a few hours later and well....I'm sure you can guess how that went. I don't believe that was the reason for the divorce but who knows. This was bout six years before I was born....but anyways, to keep my hobby of cars going, I am now on the hunt for a '79 vette. Not the most popular year so thankfully they aren't too much money. So the plan is to keep my eye out for one as I continue to sell my stang, and just maybe surprise him around the holidays with it. I will keep you all posted.