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Hey Mac!!! Welcome from Montevideo, Uruguay!!

You know... do you want to drive your car?? Then FINISH IT! :) If i could do it, anyone can!!... I´m from south america and in my particular country, my 1972 sportsroof is THE ONLY MUSTANG SPORTSROOF in the country...

I have no money to spend in this "toys" because the life here is pretty much tight even if you work 12 hours a day in a Fu**ing office... Anyway... Obviosly i do ALL the work on the car myself as i cant afford any other way to do it.... So.. i learned some things and based 90% on the advices guys from this forum gave me, i managed to finish my car in a very sharp way...

It may not be a magazine car or a super power one but i now can look at my garage and see her standing there waiting for me to turn on :)...

Come on Mac!!... let us be part of your project and i can assure you, you´ll fly forward on it :)

Again, welcome!

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