I have a factory Ram Air set-up on mine, and when I got my car, the driver side hood hinge was missing its spring.
I got 'newer' [than mine] hinges from ebay, and a new set of hinge springs from CJ Pony Parts. The springs are stout enough to hold up my hood just fine (loaded up with the Ram Air and hood locks) - no issues. Definitely reproduction parts, and I might've even just got lucky - who knows?
The OMS springs are listed as "Standard Springs," and have Ford part numbers associated... meaning, that Don gets certified genuine Ford parts and if they say "standard springs," they're probably not rated for Ram Air/hood lock-equipped NASA hoods.
Don's really good about offering genuine Ford parts so you know exactly what you're getting from him. CJPP, NPD, and some of the others, aren't as meticulous about their parts. I'm not saying anybody is selling junk (by any means), but if you're looking for absolute factory correct parts, OMS is your best bet.