Ok, I get more confused every time I think about this. I am buying parts a little at a time $100-200 each pay period in preparation for my journey. And I'm now at a stuck point. I already have the 45,000v Flame Thrower Coil and a new set of Pertronix wires so I'm pretty much decidated to a Pertronix II ignition but that is where I get bogged down.
I can buy the ignitorII and put it in the current distributor cap but if I'm replacing shouldn't that be replaced also? OK, so a Motorcraft distr. cap can be had for $20-25 plus prob a different rotor? Then there is the Pertronix cap and rotor for $35. Or should I simply spend the extra $140 and get the Billet plug and play kit. I really don't want to make the wrong decision and then have to go buy something else when I could have spent that money elsewhere. Any thoughts? Oh, and I guess the most important thing which one do I get 8cyl single point, 8cyl dual point w/o vac or 8cyl dual point w vac? I think I need the dual with vac, correct? It's for an unmodified 302 2v.