Please Welcome our New Site Supporter...Midlife Harness Restoration!

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Stangin' ain't easy but somebody gotta do it!
Staff member
Jul 2, 2010
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Latrobe, PA
My Car
1971 Mach 1
Please Welcome our New Site Supporter...Midlife Harness Restoration!

I'll let Midlife tell you more about his Ford wiring harness restoration business, but I believe his services will be something our members can use especially considering the spotty availability of 71-73 wiring!

Here is some info from the Midlife Harness site:

What We Do: We offer refurbishment services for vintage Mustang underdash and related harnesses at attractive prices with a two year, no questions asked, guarantee for the non-concours hobbyist. We can also convert 1967-1973 non-tach harnesses to a tach configuration.
How We Do It: Every harness is examined for broken insulation, wires, connectors, and pins, and repaired using only OEM components and professional tooling. Every harness is cleaned and re-taped where appropriate. Every wire is checked for continuity and any wire run showing higher than expected resistance is repaired. Repairs are typically made using uninsulated butt-splices and covered with heat-shrink, in accordance with best practices in the electrical repair industry.

What Comes With Service: Every harness comes with a new set of fuses, a complete printout of each wire's connector type, wire color, wire number, function, and where that wire goes within the harness, an instruction sheet for short-free installation, and a two year, no questions asked, guaranty. Shipping within the US is included in the pricing.

How Much Does It Cost: Refurbishment of an underdash harness is $175, and a core charge of $50. Conversion from non-tach to tach configuration is $50. We prefer to refurbish your harness instead of replacing it with an existing one; this insures your harness will have the necessary connections for your set of equipment options.

Why Do We Do This: The cost of quality reproduction underdash harnesses is risen to unprecedented levels. While the quality of reproduction is excellent, the average hobbyist has little alternative but to repair an existing harness or go to others who offer concours level harness restoration services. Our harnesses are guaranteed to meet or exceed the original performance specifications, but may have visual flaws when compared to concours-level restoration efforts. These flaws typically include splices with shrink-tubing that may be visible. However, all wiring, when installed correctly, cannot be seen by a Judge without extraordinary effort.

Other Related Services:

Tailight Harnesses: These harnesses will be refurbished but the weaved sleeving is not replaced or repaired. The reason is that the sleeving originally was made of cotton (i.e. flammable) and is no longer made. Cost is $50. Guarantee is included.

64.5-66 Emergency Switches: Replacement of the E-Switch itself and refurbishment of the sub-harness (pre-late-1966) for $50. Replacement of the E-Switch for late 1966 systems is $25. Guarantee is included.

67-68 Dash Cluster Subharnesses: Refurbishment of the two subharnesses is $50 with a core charge of $25. Guarantee is included.

Headlight Engine, Gauge, and Alternator Harnesses: I do not recommend refurbishment of these harnesses, as the reproduction versions are usually of excellent quality. Further, these harnesses have been exposed to the heat and elements for several decades, degrading the quality of the wiring and connectors by corrosion. Some years are not available in reproduction, so those harnesses can be refurbished but without a guarantee.

Miscellaneous Parts and Connectors: Looking for an unusual connector? We may have it in stock, so contact us to see if it is available and what the cost would be.

Cougar Harnesses: Contact us with your Cougar needs.

How Long Does It Take: Typically, it takes one full day per underdash harness. We work only on weekend days and holidays. Harnesses are refurbished on a first-in basis. Depending upon how many orders have been received, turnaround time is typically one to two weekends. Upon receipt of the harness, we will e-mail you with an anticipated work schedule.

Welcome aboard and thank you for helping to support the 7173Mustang Community!

::welcome:: and I am sure your services will be much appreciated here

Welcome and how do we contact you?

Just bought a harness that needs a little work.

Headlights to tail lights, all 15 pounds of it.

Came from a '71 Mach 1, the same car my new

engine came from.


Welcome and how do we contact you?

Just bought a harness that needs a little work.

Headlights to tail lights, all 15 pounds of it.

Came from a '71 Mach 1, the same car my new

engine came from.

I don't like to put up my e-mail address on public forums (damn web bots!), but you can find it on my website: Midlife Harness Restorations along with a phone number.

I'd be more than happy to repair what you have.

Hi Randy. I'm glad you're now a site supporter. I'll see you in a few weeks at the all Fords Nat'l show in P'cola. Will Midlife (the car) be there?

Guys, I can vouch that Randy does top notch work so send him your harnesses if you want need them reworked.

Hi Randy. I'm glad you're now a site supporter. I'll see you in a few weeks at the all Fords Nat'l show in P'cola. Will Midlife (the car) be there?

Guys, I can vouch that Randy does top notch work so send him your harnesses if you want need them reworked.
Naw...gotta haul a lot of stuff to Pensacola for the vendor's booth and the 66 Fastback simply doesn't have the capacity.


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