PVC hose routing on a Holley 4160


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Sep 12, 2015
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SW Ontario
My Car
1971 Mustang Mach 1, M code, 4 speed.
Just wondering if anyone has come up with a neat way to route the PVC hose around the back of the carb and to the 3/8" port at the front base of the Holley 4160? I have the correct oil cap and PVC valve. The only correct looking hose I've found comes from NPD. It is only about 17" long which is no where near what I need. That hose is 1/2" ID. I can, a, add some 3/8" hose with some sort of fitting which will look like cr*p, or b, find a longer hose and insert a reducer for the inlet fitting. Trouble is that hose needs a sharp bend at the PVC or it will stick out like a sore thumb. I added a picture of what I have now, not what I want.

Anyone know of a better solution??

Thanks in advance,


I think Cudak888 did a segment on replacing the PCV line which was excellent. He wasn't looking for orinality but his alternate solution turned out very nice. If I find it I'll update my post.

I think Cudak888 did a segment on replacing the PCV line which was excellent. He wasn't looking for orinality but his alternate solution turned out very nice. If I find it I'll update my post.
Ok thanks. I appreciate it.

This is not rocket science, but as the hose off the PVC needs a sharp bend in it and the fact that ones on the market are a, 1/2" ID and b, way too short to be any use, and c, the nipple on the carb is 3/8" dia., I need to run something that works and also looks good and somewhat correct.


Yes, thank you, a big help. I won't do it exactly the way it's shown, but a good idea to run a steel line around the back. That's very doable. I will however retain the correct PVC valve and hose as far as it will go, then go to steel via an adaptor I may have to machine. I was thinking a rubber line all the way around the back, but it did look clunky and bulky to say the least when I mocked it up. I'm kind of surprised no-one has manufactured something as there are lots of us who want the stock appearance and a Holley type carb. OR why don't Holley put an "extra" PVC port at the back of the carbs and that's doable too.

I will mention one thing and it's something most do not know about and that is; the wrong PVC valve can damage your engine. They are NOT all the same. The weight in it, the thing that rattles, is designed for a specific engine crank case pressure. Too light and it will not allow the correct balance, too heavy and it will over pressurize the crankcase.

Again, thank you for taking the time to find that thread and posting it. It has been a big help with a simple fix.


I finally came up with a fair solution that I like. It needs a bit of tweaking still and some support brackets fab'd up, but I'm close. The PVC tube is too short now as it needed to be cut when it was across the front. It will do for now, don't feel like dropping another 20 bucks on it just yet. I used a 3/8th" steel tube which came with the spring protector. Thought it would look neat, so I put it back on. Unfortunately the paint is not sticking very well, so I need to look at that issue as well. I may just go buy another length of tube a remake it as it could be improved somewhat to clear the fuel line on the carb.

Thanks for the input in me finding this solution. :thankyouyellow:


That looks good. Another option is to use a carb base plate or a spacer which has the port in the rear. You could then run the pcv valve from the hole in the rear passenger side valve cover and use a breather in the front drivers side where the pcv is now.

That looks good. Another option is to use a carb base plate or a spacer which has the port in the rear. You could then run the pcv valve from the hole in the rear passenger side valve cover and use a breather in the front drivers side where the pcv is now.
Thanks and yes there may be other options, but as I have a 1" Micarda spacer, I don't want any more height. I could drill and insert a tube into the fiber and that's a thought, didn't think of it! I would still need use the oil filler /PVC on the driver's side as the passenger side cover is not the same. If I'm not mistaken, the PVC is at the front of the engine for a reason. The Autolite carb has the PVC inlet at the back I think. It matters not if the PVC inlet is at the front or rear as long as it dumps into the intake.


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