Would you spend 2000.00


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Two G's?

Heck no.

I'd buy another Mustang and stop at Burger King on the way home.

Do they serve Northern Spotted Owl with Snail Darter sauce?
LOL....in Texas you might guess we would! But here is the kicker... about 11 months ago tomorrow I did just that. Not the Owl & Snail Darter sauce.:D

We had dinner with 4 customers from Italy to England and one ole Texas boy. The order last week was for 140,000 and another 40 coming within about 2 weeks. Not a bad payoff I'm thinking.

How many people? I do it all the time at work. Depending on who they are, I usually need about ten people including me.

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Rust.... we had 7 total, 4 were customers and 3 of us, myself my Italian manager and 1 guy they invited who is also a vendor not related but we invited him ....and HE IS AN AUSSIE. I should ask Luke and Austin if they know the company.
