’71 Mach 1 Resto Project


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It's great you're getting to enjoy your Mach 1 and putting on some (s)miles. Your PS pump looks good natural; maybe even better than the original metallic teal color.
The original color of the pump would have been metallic teal? How did I not see that anywhere before now?
The original color of the pump would have been metallic teal? How did I not see that anywhere before now?
Yes a shade of teal.
My original PS pump bracket were phosphate and oil so I lightly media blasted it and took 0000 steel wool to it then satin cleared it.
I got the PS pump paint from NPD. IMG_1289.jpeg
Sheriff, Am I correct in thinking some of our p.s. pumps came Black from the factory??
I have heard that. Back in the 70s when I scoured the wrecking yards for parts all have recall seeing were variations of the teal color. Anghel (?) restoration or the concours Mustang site may have a more definitive answer.