Would someone with a Marti By the Numbers please throw the BS flag on the VIN#.
Mark its a Mexican VIN#
This car is the following acording to
VIN# AF02MS14143
A= Ford USA
F= La Villa, Mexico City
02= 1973 Mexican Mach 1
M= 1972
S= November
14143= Consecutive Unit Number
the car is not late year or 73 1/2, its actualy built in Nov 1972, so its an early 1973 car.
I know there are some Marti reports that show some US cars being sold almost a year later than manufactured.
??? Maybe in Mexico the car did not sell until later than normal - the dealer actually tried to call it a 72 1/2 or maybe more incorrectly called it a 73 1/2 ?
I really have learned a lot about the Mexican cars but there is still a lot to discover with them.
Since they were sent there only partially assembled per their country's import requirements, they were originally equipped with some unique differences. As are others similarly imported to Latin and S. American counties. The Mexican cars' door panels and engine parts.
Check out this link I found that describes the importing of these "knock down kits". Personally I found it very interesting.