71 9" bearing type.


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Mustang 9-inch housings have the small axle bearings, same size as the 8-inch bearings. The "Torino" bearings are the large size with a different backing plate bolt hole configuration.


What do you mean Torino (do you mean Daytona?????)   

Or are you asking if a D0OA case has smaller bearings then a C4AW?

I was asking if the axle housing is set up with the small bearings or the slightly larger ones that came out on the larger cars, they call them 'Torino style' nowadays I think. Looks like someone had the answer though, and I found an article online as well that says that even the HO came with the small bearing.

Thanks for replying!

To clarify, there are two large bearing backing plate bolt configurations, the Torino style and the larger style. The small bearing backing plate bolt configuration is smaller than either of the large bearing styles.
