73 Mach 1 Question


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Hi Rev,

Welcome from Brisbane, Australia!

What the boys have said so far is spot on. Definately try to start with a better car. As a pro spraypainter, i would advise that in my trade there is theory and prac. As you are learn as you go, buy some books on basic spraypainting and that should give you a good grounding on theory.For prac, get yourself kitted up with a good compressor and a couple of guns,(putty and color) and some cheap paint to practice on for learning your gun technique etc.

The net has videos as well, like UTube etc. All the best at whatever you take on.


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Welcome to the site from Virginia. Some members here have restored some 71/73s in a lot worse condition, but probably not the right one for you to start off on. Hopefully someone with save that one. Good luck with your search.

I started off with a car in that condition except it had no drivetain either, 3 years later it is drivable and looks decent but it took ALOT of time, money and energy to get it there. I'm still a couple of years away from finishing it to top notch condition. We like our 73 fastback alot and the 1100 dollars we paid for it seemed cheap at the time, but it took 8K+ and a ton of time to get it where it is at. In hindsight I would probably start with a better car like everybody else is saying.

Good luck on the search.

welcome from Ontario Canada, coming from the rust belt, I swore that when I was getting another Mustang it would be something decent from the south.

Like others have said, pay a little more start with a better car for your first one.

::welcome:: from Luxembourg, Europe.

My two cents: If you have never done such a job and you say yourself that you don't know much about cars, then I would pass on this one. Definitely. Every single part of this car needs work done to it. This is gonna cost you big money.

It's better to find a good car to start with. This may not be what you wanna hear right now but believe me, been there, done that.

Thanks guys for all your input! I really appreciate the warm welcome and the friendly advice. I've got a potential find in North Carolina for $3k that I am planning on looking at this weekend. I'm taking my brother-in-law with me as he is leagues ahead of me in automotive knowledge. I will post some pics of her if I end up making the purchase. Thanks again!

Welcome from North East Ohio,

A suggestion, if you are looking to learn about older Mustangs, attend a few car shows or cruises in your area. Talk to the other Mustang owners there and see if there is a local Mustang club that you could join. A lot of the Mustang club members are working during the week so they usually meet on the weekends. Our local club has tech nights where members get together to look at another member's car and work on it. If nothing else you can pick up a lot of free tech advise.


welcome from Ontario Canada, coming from the rust belt, I swore that when I was getting another Mustang it would be something decent from the south.

Like others have said, pay a little more start with a better car for your first one.
Welcome from west Michigan.

X2, find the nicest car you can afford. Be patient they are out there.

Welcome from Oklahoma. You snuck in on me - or I just wasn't payin attention!!! :)

Looks like you found a 73 Mach 1! Congrats.

I have a 73 Mach 1 parts car. PM me I might be able to help you some.


Hey Rev, welcome, i'm new here too. I'm in the process of redoing my wifes original '73 Mach. Where are you at in Tn.? I'm in the process of moving to the Cosby area ( 20 miles east of Gatlinburg) A guy who did some work for me has a '72 Mach, no tranny but it looks clean, 4-speed car which is why he bought it, for the tranny. Let me know as i'll be down in the area starting on 4/16/14 through 4/26/14, going to Charlotte and then working on my plce the rest of the week.

Rick Tackman

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