A blast from the past


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Jun 1, 2012
Reaction score
Port Republic MD
My Car
1973 Mustang Mach 1 429 cu. in. C6 Auto
2007 Mustang GT Convertible 2002 Lincoln Continental
2006 Toyota Corolla S Type
2006 Honda Goldwing
Just thought everyone would like to see!

I ran into a friend of mine last week that I havent seen in over 12 years. His name is Robert and his profession was Marine Mechanics but his hobby was body work and painting and he painted quite a few muscle cars in my home town back in the late 70's. He drove an old Ford Econoline Pickup truck you know the ones that looked like a van but had a pickup bed on them. It had a 6 kicker in it with a 3 on the tree jacked way up in the rear with huge tires back there and he had painted it canary yellow. Well one day he decided to trick it up a little! So below is what he came up with! I had a 70 Mach 1 at the time and had dropped a valve in my 71 Boss 351C motor and it went thru the block and destroyed one of the quenched heads. Robert stopped by and asked me if I could go look at something with him. On the way there he said I had to promise not to try to buy the item from under him! When we got there we were looking at a 351C 4V with attached 4 spd toploader with low milrage. He got the whole deal for $300 I was doing my best not to SCREAM!!! I really really wanted it! The chassis of the car was made from galvanized Sign Post. The guy that lived behind him worked for the county and was responsible for roadsigns in the county. Robert went to him and said he need some pipes and said it could happen 1 of 2 ways. 1. He could just give him the pipe he needed or 2 Robert would just go cut down street signs and the guy would just have to replace them. Soooo he was given all the piping he needed!!! The motor is actually exposed in the very small bed in between the 2 cabs and he finished off the area with Chrome Diamond Plate. It had a 9" rear in it and all the shifter, clutch and throttle were all run with boat style cabling. He still has this thing locked away in his garage. He took it to quite a few shows and won quite a few trophies with it! He put a lot of time and thought in the build and it was really an headturner in its time! And the name on the side is "Two Faced"


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Cool story but I don't know what to say about the van. :D
Hey it was pretty cool in the 70's!!!!! I'd drive it around and it did a Great Burnout!

That's a cool van, coming or going!
I cant imagine what people thought when they were pulling up behind it!!!

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You sure could have! He did alot of the old "World of Wheels" shows and lots of other shows!

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so is it front wheel drive or rear wheel drive?
Depends on which end your sittin in!!!!! :D

The back cab was setup with a small bed, liquor bar, mirrors, stereo and a lot of yellow furry carpet! His Love Cab!

I'd love one of those. I'd put mother in law in the back and everyone else in the front! Then she can back seat drive all she wants! hehe

so is it front wheel drive or rear wheel drive?
Depends on which end your sittin in!!!!! :D

The back cab was setup with a small bed, liquor bar, mirrors, stereo and a lot of yellow furry carpet! His Love Cab!
I'd love one of those. I'd put mother in law in the back and everyone else in the front! Then she can back seat drive all she wants! hehe

so is it front wheel drive or rear wheel drive?
Depends on which end your sittin in!!!!! :D

The back cab was setup with a small bed, liquor bar, mirrors, stereo and a lot of yellow furry carpet! His Love Cab!

Never thought of that! It would be a perfect Mother InLaw car! :D


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