I think for me the stuff I find here has singularity and seems more in tune with the way I do things. I can surf the threads and find more "fitting" ideas and resources. Ask a question in a lot of places and you get the same answers. Throw $10,000 at the problem and it will go away or chuck that old thing and replace it with this bolt on gizmo from Paytomuch.com. The "how I restored my console" threads are a small example of some good stuff on here. I'm fine with the mechanics,sheet metal, painting, and the such but haven't got a good grip on things like fixing the interior parts, gauge restoration, and things like that. I do everything myself and thats important to me. I hate to just buy and bolt. The stuff I find on here has really help me get past some of the mind blocks I've been throwing up when I stare at little pieces wondering how I'm ever going to fix them. And if all else fails, there is no doubt in my mind that if I need some info all I have to do is ask.