Austin Vert Installs New Rear Speakers

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Jul 27, 2012
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Brisbane - Australia
My Car
1973 Mustang Convertible
Hi to all,


Some members may recall me posting a thread in Feb this year regarding the installation of my new Autosound Slidebar Radio head and Polk Audio front speakers for my '73 Mach 1. Ref:

Everything went well, and i was happy with the outcome and sound. However, i couldn't help myself again, and HAD to install rear speakers to chase the big sound i like. The problem for me was that i didn't want to deface the original interior in any way, and so what was one to do. After much thinking for a solution, i came up with what i thought was a good working idea to setup two 6x9 three way rear speakers and not harm the interior at all. My Mach has the fold down seat with the trapdoor dropping into and onto the trunk floor. So in that sense, this installation only really applies to those with the same fold down seat setup as mine has.

I'm pleased to say that the whole thing turned out really well in my opinion. The new speakers sound fantastic with good extra bass response, mid and high frequencies too. The whole package sounds awesome, and i'm very happy with the finished sound. The pics below will tell the story, i went for Polk Auidio speakers again for sound quality and performance. Like the front speakers, these are marine rated as well for robustness, and long lasting. The speaker boxes were bought from a local auto outlet supply, but these items should be able to be purchased any where in America and online with Ebay etc. They are a common design, sealed and non ported and are sold with everything you need, and ready to install. The speakers cost $240.00 Aus and the boxes cost $40.00 Aus. The only drawback or compromise i felt i made, was having the speakers placed close together. I may miss out on a degree of stereo separation with the sound, but then again, the sound gets reflected and bounced around the cabin anyway, so no big deal there. Secondly, some might not like the appearance of what i've done here, but i feel, the overerall finished look is not too bad. The big plus is you can drop the trapdoor any time and do what you want to do. The rear speakers sound equally awesome when dropped into the trunk area, and face backwards.


The pics will show you that i ended up buying metal profile strips and right angle brackets from my local hard ware store to make up the mounting brackets.You could use pine timber mouldings, instead of the metal ones, but they are too thick for my liking. Firstly, you use an epoxy glue like 5 minute Araldite to attach the right angle pieces onto the straight strips. I then spray painted the metal brackets with 2 pack black satin paint for durability. The next step was to install the speakers into their boxes. Once done, i mounted the speakers onto the framing brackets with PK screws. The screws also clamp the right angle brackets as well, so you're not relying on glue alone to keep the mounting frame together.

All that needs to be done now, is to position the assembled speaker package on the trapdoor, and PK screw the right angled brackets to the sides of the trapdoor. Wire the speakers back to the head, and boom, you're ready to go. The beauty of my system is you can remove the whole thing very fast and easily if you want to down the track, and you have not defaced any of the interior at all. That works for me!;) See my pics below.


Many thanks,


Hi Greg,

cool idea in conjunction with the trap doors - thank you for sharing and write an how-to ::thumb::

Wish my previous owner had that idea too and did not cut some holes in my quarter panels...

BUT: why do you have to listen to music so loudly when you have the most musical already in there ;) ?!?

For me my stereo mostly is only for being in there and for looking nice ;)

Best wishes to AUS

Hey thanks guys. Would you believe a few people i know have recently said the same thing to me about enjoying a good exhaust sound as they drive around.

Next monday, i'm going to the muffler shop to change over the mufflers i have on now for louder ones.:cool:


Hey thanks guys. Would you believe a few people i know have recently said the same thing to me about enjoying a good exhaust sound as they drive around.

Next monday, i'm going to the muffler shop to change over the mufflers i have on now for louder ones.:cool:

Reads like a good plan :D ::thumb::

Looks like a very good idea. I like it. One question (unrelated)... having both a Mach 1 and a convertible, which do you enjoy driving more?

Looks great Greg, I am with the others on the engine being the only music I need when driving. I have a pretty big system in my car that usually only gets listened to when the car is parked lol.

Hi Don and thanks,

to be honest, driving the Convertible is the car that does it big for me. In Australia, Verts have been traditionally scarce cars. I never owned one, and HAD to have one. I really love driving around with the top down and taking in all your surroundings. They are just fantastic to drive.

Hey Mike,

Thank you. Truth be known, i'm one of those guys that really loves the sound of my exhaust only when driving around, but i love my music big time too. I get a big turn on when i play my fav songs and cruise around as well. The combo of cranking up the songs and the big note from the exhaust really does it for me.

So i mix and match it when the mood takes me.


I see what you mean Greg. I guess you know I was pulling your leg, don't you? :)

I have a Custom Autosound radio in mine but I disconnected it because it was wired to the supply for the console clock. I'd like to listen to the radio once in a while and I even made a stealth cable that allowed me to feed the Aux input on the Autosound with an MP3 player but the exhaust on my car is just too loud to listen to music.

Or let's say to listen to music in a halfway decent way.

To make it worse it's very complicated to get serious sound in a vert because you don't have a closed chamber. Sound will evaporate into the air around you. It takes some real high end, high wattage stuff to get a decent sound. Btw, it's the same with open air concerts. All your high end gear suddenly sounds like a fart in a hurricane. :)

Maybe I will come up with a solution for the low frequencies that goes behind the rear seat or something. As of now the radio stays disconnected and acts as its own delete plate. :)

The other downside of listening to music in a vert is that everybody around you will hear it too, especially as we hardly have any long stretches of roads where you are not in some kind of town.

I see what you mean Greg. I guess you know I was pulling your leg, don't you? :)

I have a Custom Autosound radio in mine but I disconnected it because it was wired to the supply for the console clock. I'd like to listen to the radio once in a while and I even made a stealth cable that allowed me to feed the Aux input on the Autosound with an MP3 player but the exhaust on my car is just too loud to listen to music.

Or let's say to listen to music in a halfway decent way.

To make it worse it's very complicated to get serious sound in a vert because you don't have a closed chamber. Sound will evaporate into the air around you. It takes some real high end, high wattage stuff to get a decent sound. Btw, it's the same with open air concerts. All your high end gear suddenly sounds like a fart in a hurricane. :)

Maybe I will come up with a solution for the low frequencies that goes behind the rear seat or something. As of now the radio stays disconnected and acts as its own delete plate. :)

The other downside of listening to music in a vert is that everybody around you will hear it too, especially as we hardly have any long stretches of roads where you are not in some kind of town.
Hi Mike,

Yes, what you say here is very true indeed. I felt the pinch with my Vert in that regard as well, but i ended up investing in a sound system for my car, that has a sub, and delivers plenty of punch throughout the frequencies, and sounds really great with the top down. I managed to get around the acoustic vert problem with good success.

And yes, you're right, i do find myself out of respect for other drivers, turning down the volume when i'm at the traffic lights. I think you look like a real dawk sitting there with the music pumping out for all to hear in a 50 foot radius around you. Maybe when i was 18 for that!:p

Cheers mate,


Austin Vert,

What kind of speaker setup did you use for your vert. I did a quick search and didn't find a link for it.

I was looking at the under seat and behind the seat (under the liner) woofers and mid-range speakers.

Would like to know what you used.


aka Don

Thanks Lars,

Yes Lars, i think the music keeps you young in many ways, and cranking up the volume is good for the soul sometimes.:)

Hey Don,

The thread on my Vert sound system install was moved to the tech Forum section under Electronics, security and audio section. Here is a ref link to it anyway -

I've included a host of pics in that thread as well. My post and pics tell the whole story that will answer your questions. However, i ended up doing a custom setup with the whole system. I installed two Hertz brand front speakers where the kick panels are, two Pioneer speakers in the top of the dash where the old factory single speaker was located, and lastly, i did not install any rear speakers in the back area, because i didn't want to deface the interior of the Vert. Instead, i installed a Hertz sub woofer and separate amp for it, behind the back seat in the trunk compartment. The overall sound volume and clarity are just fantastic, and i'm very happy with the finished results.Let me know if you have any other questions Sir.



Hi Greg that's so cool your work is as always perfect[emoji12] My Mustang is going too be work on Now Next week again[emoji6] Now it's gonna be done as Much as needed down at My body's workshop!! Now I have it so much better and looking forward too spent time on her[emoji41] Have a Nice day Greg My friend.... Regards Lars

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk Regards DK73
