Built a manly coffee table


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Thanx for the kudos guys!!

First I can reassure you: The wife is pleased. Make that really pleased.

She actually had me make it, after I unfolded the idea to her.

You gotta love her. She's fun to be with, she puts up with most of my stupid ideas, even let me name our cat "Shelby" and last but not least she's HOT! (Even after ten years of marriage!) :cool:

So, I guess, that one's a keeper!

I'd love to make some of these tables for you guys, but given that I live across the ocean the shipping would push these into a price range, where it simply wouldn't be worth it.:dodgy:

But as those blocks can probably be found easily in the US, you guys are in V8 Table Heaven!:D

Here it is actually pretty hard to find a block to start with, unless you know somebody who busted theirs.

If you want details, PM me, but it is not hard to figure out how to make them.

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Awesome! Did you start with a damaged block or is that still buildable?
No, it's got a cracked cylinder wall. You don't get those things cheap enough to build something like this here in Europe when they can still be used.

But that was the better one of the two I had.

I got another 289 here that is really busted with one cylinder completely gone on the inside and a piece of the block torn out of it on the opposite side.

Gotta take a picture of that one and post it here.

Oh by the way, I'll be in California for two weeks in October! :)

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Ha ha another " When Harry Met Sally" table :D That movie always cracks me up when I see these, but always cool for the gear heads. For those who don't know the super awesome movie, here's a clip:


Ha ha another " When Harry Met Sally" table :D That movie always cracks me up when I see these, but always cool for the gear heads. For those who don't know the super awesome movie, here's a clip:

Don't get me wrong. I like it too, but I'm a gear head. Get the wife in and see LOL! The point is: the movie always comes to mind when I see these and I can't stop laughing. I LIKE IT A LOT MIKE!!!!! it's the movie I'm laughing at.

Oh by the way, I'll be in California for two weeks in October! :)
What part of California? If you are in Southern California, you need to go to Cars N Coffee with us! A great show with a little bit of everything.

I hope to be here at least 2 weeks during October too! But I travel so much, its hard to tell... :-/

Get the wife in and see LOL!
Actually it was the wife who made me make it. She loves it even more than I do! :)

Lucky me, I guess. :)

Oh by the way, I'll be in California for two weeks in October! :)
What part of California? If you are in Southern California, you need to go to Cars N Coffee with us! A great show with a little bit of everything.

I hope to be here at least 2 weeks during October too! But I travel so much, its hard to tell... :-/
Don't know exactly yet. But we'll be doing the classic LA to Frisco trip on highway one for a part of the stay.

Cars and coffee sounds nice. I'll see if can work it into the schedule. I'll keep you posted! :)

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Yup, some guys get all the luck! Congrats! Wife got a sister? :)

Yup......... and take my advice: You don't wanna take the risk. :s

She's the exact opposite of my wife in every account.

Opposites do attract, but I'll take your advice LOL!


Yup, some guys get all the luck! Congrats! Wife got a sister? :)

Yup......... and take my advice: You don't wanna take the risk. :s

She's the exact opposite of my wife in every account.

LOL send pics any ways

Hey Lux,

Couple days ago, I helped a cuzin wrench on his Maserati 228. Searched online for information about the biturbo engine and found this :D


You guys rock!

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