I was headed to work this morning and decided to take the Mach. I left the house and about a mile down the road I noticed that my hood wasn't latched all the way. So I throw on the hazard lights and pull over. After fixing it, I took off toward work again, which consists of approx. 12 miles from my house, half of which involves driving on the freeway (for those who know CA, I am referring to the 101freeway which always seems to be packed in the morning regardless of the day). I was early, so stopped at a local bagel shop. Upon turning off the car I quickly realized I had never turned my hazard lights back off. I just laughed because the whole time on the freeway cars were keeping a great distance from me. People usually respect the classics and drive with more caution but this was well over exadurated. It all made since, and all I could think was that people either thought this guy is a ******* or he is way over cautious about protecting his car......hahahaha