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Sorry for the loss of your parents, Bob. Hope you wife gets better soon.
Prayers for you and your wife.
Hang in there Bob & Cheryl! Hopefully the rough patches are behind you and things smooth out from here.
Bob, my condolences to you on the passing of your parents and my heart felt best wishes for your wife's speedy recovery and you being able to get back to somewhat normal.
I'm really sorry to hear about your parents passing and your wife's illness. I hope she has a speedy recovery.
Bob, not only are you a tough guy to endure all of this you are a great treasure to the Mustang movement. Bob converted my ammeter to voltmeter in my 1971 fastback and it looks great.I am so happy to join this forum and receive so much good information from long time owners and genius people. I am looking forward to hearing some good news from Bob about Cheryl's health. May God bless your whole family. Thx, Bill