The Mach has been at the alignment shop for the last week. They really had to fight to get it as straight as they could. They ended up replacing essentially the whole front end. Unfortunately they think the rear axle is bent 1/2". The rear wheels are towed out about 1/4" on each side. I am not sure how concerned to be about 1/2". Should I be thinking about an Explorer 8.8 axle swap?
I also have a driveline vibration that wasn't fixed with a tire balance (even though the tires were out of balance too). Its from 60-70 mph with or without throttle; slower than 60 and its pretty smooth and faster than 70 it is reasonably smooth but can get a little rough here and there. I took her up to 100 twice and decided that probably isn't very smart until I fix this vibration. I am guessing first stop here is U-joints and possibly a driveshaft. I read that the early model mustangs benefit from a ford explorer aluminum driveshaft. Are 71-73 owners doing the same thing? Being that the alignment shop thinks the axle is bent, I guess that could be a potential source of the vibration as well.
I am still fighting the carb tuning as well. I updated my engine thread with the current story. If I can get the carb tuned and fix the driveline vibration, I would consider her reliable enough for daily driving.
I have all but given up on the idea of the T5 swap; mainly because the T5 I bought is the wrong model for the 71 without significant modification.

I listed the T5 on craigslist and I am trying to convince myself that the TKX swap is worth the money. I haven't ruled out trying to go back to the factory 4 speed toploader but they seem to be hard to find and from what I am seeing, I wouldn't be saving that much money over the TKX. I don't think I will ever be satisfied with an automatic transmission in this car.
Reality check: After the unexpectedly large bill from the alignment shop and the possibility of needing a new rear axle, I have some soul searching to do to figure out what exactly my vision with this car is. Between body, paint, driveline, engine build and transmission swap, I could easily see throwing another $30k into this car (realistically probably more). I didn't really know what I was getting myself into when I bought the car. I envisioned having a nice daily driver with the manual swap for about $25k all in. I am quickly approaching the 25k mark without the transmission swap and definitely not a reliable daily yet (though getting kinda close). The fact that it's a salvage car that isn't straight is weighing heavily on me too. It seems that $35k gets you a straight good condition M code with 4 speed. I know any 50 year old car is going to need TLC but this car is really fighting me.
I was contemplating all this while the Mach wouldn't start on the side of the highway.
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