Gauges sometimes

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Aug 6, 2019
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My Car
1973 Mach 1 completely stock ivy green with silver stripes.
my oil pressure gauge doesn’t work most of the time but sometimes it will peg out all the way (to much pressure) .When this happens the temperature gauge will also peg out with the oil gauge. I’ve got a short somewhere. I’m not a mechanic and don’t have the gizmos to check the electric system. Any ideas where I can look for a possible short. It was suggested that it’s a bad ground somewhere. I’ve purchased an wiring diagram manual but I’ve discovered I can’t read the darn thing. But I can figure out the diagram I have is for warning lamps and not gauges Im hoping I don’t have to take dash apart . Is there a place the wire would ground somewhere in the engine compartment that I could check 1st ?
Yep, sometimes if you pound lightly on the under steering column it might start working again. Only temporary but might confirm.
That would be the easy way., but with my luck I’ll break something while pounding lightly. At my age it’ll probably be my hand.