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Called Paypal and obviously the easiest way is if he has a paypal account. Do I let the cat out of the bag and tell him? Or wait to see what Barry says and make it a surprise? Don't want to hurt his pride if you know what I mean.

Called Paypal and obviously the easiest way is if he has a paypal account. Do I let the cat out of the bag and tell him? Or wait to see what Barry says and make it a surprise? Don't want to hurt his pride if you know what I mean.
I would PM Barry and make sure we have his input.

Called Paypal and obviously the easiest way is if he has a paypal account. Do I let the cat out of the bag and tell him? Or wait to see what Barry says and make it a surprise? Don't want to hurt his pride if you know what I mean.
I would PM Barry and make sure we have his input.
+1 without site support we can't get the word out

I'm in, it might make sense to sell it as giving him a fair price for his mustang rather than fundraising on his behalf as previous posts said you don't want to hurt his pride or make him feel like a charity case... Just a thought
I also spoke with the seller. He is a nice guy. And he wanted the car ti be restored. Not parted out - not modded. And Mark and his son are excellent stewards of the wished of this man. For the project ahead of them - I feel the price was fair. They will have a hefty investment in parts and materials alone. Their labor will be just because they want to. While this car represents a rare car at a decent price, the fact that is will be done as the previous owner desired - makes this transaction a very fair and equitable for both parties. The help and assistance anyone desires to offer is completely seperate of this car sell/purchase.

So if you (or anyone) feels motivated to help this guy, then do.

Just my 2 cents.


I also spoke with the seller. He is a nice guy. And he wanted the car ti be restored. Not parted out - not modded. And Mark and his son are excellent stewards of the wished of this man. For the project ahead of them - I feel the price was fair. They will have a hefty investment in parts and materials alone. Their labor will be just because they want to. While this car represents a rare car at a decent price, the fact that is will be done as the previous owner desired - makes this transaction a very fair and equitable for both parties. The help and assistance anyone desires to offer is completely seperate of this car sell/purchase.

So if you (or anyone) feels motivated to help this guy, then do.

Just my 2 cents.



(i don't know if i would post personal addresses of people on the net)

Called Paypal and obviously the easiest way is if he has a paypal account. Do I let the cat out of the bag and tell him? Or wait to see what Barry says and make it a surprise? Don't want to hurt his pride if you know what I mean.
I would PM Barry and make sure we have his input.

Oh, Idid that this morning when this all started. I just called Paypal in Case it't too much for Barry to handle.

Called Paypal and obviously the easiest way is if he has a paypal account. Do I let the cat out of the bag and tell him? Or wait to see what Barry says and make it a surprise? Don't want to hurt his pride if you know what I mean.
I would PM Barry and make sure we have his input.

Oh, Idid that this morning when this all started. I just called Paypal in Case it't too much for Barry to handle.
I will be watching for the thread with the info and his story...I would only use his site name

If you use a PayPal account is it better NOT to publish it here and just send it out by PM to those who request it or is there any security risk releasing a PayPal account email address?

What do you all think?

If you use a PayPal account is it better NOT to publish it here and just send it out by PM to those who request it or is there any security risk releasing a PayPal account email address?

What do you all think?
I agree, send the PayPal info by PM to those who want it, there is always someone surfing the web waiting for something like this to mess it up for everyone.

Paypal is secure...set it up for deposit only with separate bank account that only one can withdraw from. In other words his bank will be the only ones who can transfer the money to his account from the paypal account. Anyone can do this from their bank with no withdraws without authorization and when its time you can transfer to his account or cashiers check.

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Late to the game, but this does sound like a great fundraiser for a deserving cause! I'm cool with it but not sure how to proceed. I can't add another donation module because we are already running it on the forum. If he has a paypal account, that would be perfect!


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