Going to celebrate tonight. The building inspector came today and did the final inspection on the electrical and building. I had the drywall up in the work room and the sheeting on the outside of it. They could give me COO without all the details finished so I can start moving cars in, HURRAY. I was finishing the joints and screws in the work room with first coat today.
I went and got one load of hoods, trunk lids, stone deflectors and stuff from storage. Will go get the first car tomorrow. Then I can stop paying storage on all this stuff.
So passed every inspection without any issues and I am not a plumber, carpenter or electrician just dangerous. Like I am with body work and mechanic. Hey when you can't afford to pay someone you do whatever it takes.
I stopped at a Wendy's while in town yesterday and noticed that a BiLo Grocery store had closed and they were selling the racks and equipment. So I go over to see if there are some good warehouse shelving. They had sold all that but as I walked around with the guy there were 6 plastic totes with all the surveillance cameras, cables, controls and 10 16 channel DVR recorders. Along with the monitors, spools of wire and lots of electronic stuff. Must be 100 cameras made in Japan not China and have metal cases. Sensormatic is one brand of about a dozen that were made in Thailand. He said make me an offer and I said I would have to take some pics and see what they were. He said I will take $200 for everything so I took it all. I will put some around the house and the garage. Was going to buy something but this should be way more than I need so sell the other on eBay.
I will put together a video slide show of the garage build from start to finish and I will have to add it all up to see what the final cost was. Came out under budget but I did not finish the bath at this time. The inspection dept. said I can pull another permit later for that. I am just tired and my old back and neck needs a rest. I might go to Disney World, lol.