How is exactly fixed the radiator support on a mach one 1973 ?

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Well-known member
Feb 5, 2017
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My Car
Hello everyone, I would like to change my radiator support because in the old past, the car had a shock and it bothers me today to see the traces on the radiator support ... so I bought a new support but before launch I would like to understand and have your opinion: On the current support there is a leg on each side of the support which is screwed to the rail of the frame. But on the new support there are no legs. The question is should we add it and in this case make one and weld it or is it not the original one?

how is that on your car? somebody could post a picture of how it is on an original car ? 

If somebody has yet changed the support, advices will be welcome !!

Thank you in advance and sorry for my english if it is not so good while i'm french ! 





Thank you very much for this firdt answer ! but what do you mean  by  "the 73 bumper changes"  ? do you think it has been changed and suddenly something changes on the original ones mounting ?  something wrong on the rail ? 

And i also think of course that there is also a problem with the ties of the bumper ! (look at the pic please ) 

Somedy has a picture of this original bumper ties  ? 

like you can see on the pictures the radiator support has to be changed . Also it affects the headlight orientation and i was recently blocked at the technical control here in France...the car is inspected and if something is wrong cannot drive more your car ...



.....i was recently blocked at the technical control here in France.... after having changed the headlights supports which are now brand new but while i had no problems with the originals i unhapily dropped to the bin tooo fastly when's a good lesson to never drop original parts even if they seems to be old....i should have better to clean and paint again...

Why did you fail the tech control? Lights not aligned properly? 

In order to remove/replace it, you need to drill all the original spot welds and weld the new one in. They are on both aprons and next to frame. Aprox a dozen per sides to free the aprons.
Something that would have been more handy to do before paint and set all back in, but it's doable and you could pack your car and engine in plastic while grinding/painting,
and use wet cloth to protect the plastic while welding.

As the metal is chewed on passenger side, it's clear it got a kiss. Since it's a 73 with a big bumper it was possibly a violent one to hit there, so there are chances that the apron behind is under stress and releasing it may introduce a problem to weld it back to the new radiator support. Make sure you build some frame to keep it in place before drill.

Bonne chance!

I think your radiator support has the tabs you need they just bent them for shipping to save room. Bend the tabs back up vertical and it spot welds to the frame rail. Here are some pics on 73 convertible and 73 Mach 1. The brown Mach 1 is an original I ordered new. So if you need more info or pics let me know.










David's picture shows it exactly right.  I replaced my core support a few months ago, now.  The little tab that sticks out in front goes over the nut and has 2 spot welds attaching it to the frame rail.  Have fun replacing it.

Thank you all for your answers . It's great help for me to have some advices and thank you to David for the pictures with which i can clearly see how it was originally. That's what i wanted to be sure !! :thankyouyellow:

I 'm not professional so i will begin slowly removing first the grille, front valance and seems to be a bigger job than the one i was imaginating but with courage and patience all is possible...Thank you again !  :thumb:

Nice car David it's a chance to have bought it new and always keeping it ....47 years ....!! i bought mine 32 years agos but before, in Floirida it had a life ....unknown you see  :cool:

Okay, I didn't wait to get started ... and I'm there for the moment and I would like to know if this part (circled in red on the photo) which is part of the front fender sells on it independently of the whole fender? and what is the name of this part ? it seems to be welded to the fender .

Anyway after seeing closely i also want to change the two inner fender splash shields because the metal is also chewed on deriver side and also on passenger side....the job become harder tahn i was imaginating..I think will make coming home a professional for help !  

Thank you everibody for your help ! 



That  is part of the fender you have circled. I  am not sure you can buy as a separate part from the fender. If you are changing inner fender where the battery sits you will need this reinforcement to go under the inner fender. It does not come with the new inner fender. They sell on Ebay but are out currently. I let another member have the only one I had on shelf. I check ever couple days for them on Ebay I need one soon.


I don't see where this part is at all. I'will see it going further in my work on the days coming. I also have a bodywork professional teacher who will come and see the vehicle and we will discuss about it tomorrow !!! Because there, I feel a little lost, the work that has to be done in the end are beyond my skills! and i worry about the presence of the engine for changing  the inner fenders both sides...will it be possible with the engine in place ? 

i do not see the part cercled in red nowhere on the web but found it is the ref : 16D003 ford part on a plan ..but 16D003 seems to be not existent on the web ...

but I intend to go to the end of the project !  :classic_smile:

That inner fender support is lightly spot welded to the fender itself. I've seen broken spotwelds many times over the years. 


@Hemikiller Light welded mmm...  I can tell you my 71 wasn't lacking spots and they were all but light welded!

@amach_one you see on the left the holes, that's what you need to drill out to free the support from the aprons on both sides.

You have also 2 or 3 underneath to drill out and likely to cut (and weld a new nut later on) for the lip that you asked about.

As replied already, you can do this with engine in. You will need to protect it and the car very well. You will need to remove the fenders as well.
The part david shows is visible fender side, its under the battery location. If your's is bad, that would be the moment to replace it as well.

Thank you for your answers . Ok i note the name of the front fender support which is effectivelly welded to the fender itself. But the name is important while the part for sale on e-bay is for 71-72 and i think to have yet readen that the fenders are not the same in 73 than in 71-72.

So, i will contact ohio mustang while i'm looking for a left one . 

For the story , finally after seeing and discussing with the professional the car will be taken soon by a truck to go direect to the bodyshop. I think it's better for me, i'm not ready myself for doing that and the job will be done correctly at least ! just a cost more for me !  ....
