Dug into this a bit. Here is what I did to my window cranks today. Sourced a different knob than what I originally bought to fit....'cause they don't.
Parts and info listed further down. Not perfect, not high quality, but looks better than nothing.
From L to R, New knob, Original Ford knob, and what I bought first as a 68-73 knob with the solid back.
Dry fit looked good.
Pressed knob onto handle with the provided stud and wave washer and..............TOTAL FAIL.
Knob did not seat fully and was a little tough to turn. Measured the other stud and depth of knob stem hole, found the stud is too long and the stem expands when inserting so it drags in the handle. Tore that knob off and started over with the other knob I had. (I got 2)
So the second attempt I cut stud shorter by 1/8" or so, also drilled out the knob stem, carefully, by hand, with a 13/64 twist bit and pressed again. Pressed a little at a time and checked often so as not to get it so tight that the knob wouldn't turn. Just enough to push against the wave washer.
Much Better.
Here are the replacement knobs I used. Listed to fit early/mid 70's F Series Trucks.
Dorman #76943.
These WILL NOT pass the test of time like originals, but I can replace 2 knobs for less than 10 bucks. The stems and inner cores are plastic and not metal as the originals. Parts are listed as coming as a set of one black and one clear per pack. I bought 3 packs and all contained 2 clear/semi-clear knobs. Local O'Rieilley's store had in stock for $5.50/Pack of 2. Amazon has them down to $4.50/Pack of 2. I bought extras for when these fail. Beware...some places show them up over $10.00 plus shipping.