Looking to Refinish Magnum Wheels


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Dec 24, 2013
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71 convertible
I've searched the forums and have come up with threads that are pretty dated as far as recommendations for companies that will refinish Magnum wheels. I have been poking around da googs and have found plenty of companies who do a bang up job with aluminum wheels, but none willing to take on replating steel wheels. Has anyone had this done recently?

I could go with copies, but I have a set of pretty nice straight 15" wheels with proper date codes that have a small amount of pitting on the rims. I would much prefer to use these than repops, as none of the repops are plated the way Ford did it with the satin finish on the faces of the spokes.
Sorry, I am not aware of anyone that re-chromes steel wheels. If you found someone who would, the biggest challenge will be that chrome plate is a dipping process and I'm not sure they have a way of getting the rim chromed with out plating the face as well. They would end up looking like the aftermarket wheels being all smooth and shiny and not satin finished on the face like original. I am definitely no expert though=, there may be a process to do that.
I restored an old Schwinn Tandem bicycle last year and I had Precision Plating in Quincy Illinois (217.233.6590) do all of the chrome plating for me. He did a really good job on a lot of intricate little parts. When I was there picking up my parts I saw all kinds of different automotive parts there with different finishes. He seemed like a good guy and did a great work for me maybe he could do them. If not, being in the plating business, he might know of someone that can.

Now that I think of it, he did the fender brackets in an unpolished chrome to set it apart from the fender. That Might work for the Magnums.

Its been a long time, but check and see if Wheel Vintiques is still doing repair/rechroming. They used to do custom widths and offsets, as well.
I was just researching the same thing. Not many do wheels anymore but I found this company that seems to be around yet. 66D7DFB1-0514-47EF-B94D-464793D495FC.png
I researched this subject some years ago without any success. I also have original magnums I would like to have restored but for now they just take up storage space. My understanding is the center section of the wheel has to be separated from the main rim as to allow the satin to be refinished. Once the rim is chromed the two have to be welded back together. This becomes an expensive process. Years ago, Speciality Wheels made a special run of the correct magnum 500 wheels with the correct satin finish center section. I purchased two sets. One set is on my 71 Boss. They have held up well. The other set is stored away, awaiting the restoration of the 70 Boss 302. I would be interested if you find someone to actually restore old magnum wheels correctly. Thanks for the post.
I used Valley Wheel for 4 small hole Magnums. Excellent work. He separate the centers. Sends them out to get the spokes satin chromed. Then he welds them back together. You have to paint the black. Not cheap. $3200 for 4 wheels.


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