Mach1 White Interior Help

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Sep 12, 2024
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My Car
1973 Mach 1
Hello to anyone able to help, I have recently purchased a 73 Mach1.
My only “gripe” if you’d call it that, is that the interior is white. I’ve never owned any kind of vehicle with a white interior but as this car is 50 years old it’s seen better days, as far as I can tell from photos the white interior was full white and not this seemingly cream color mine is. I assume this is from years in the sun, but my main issue if that I will have to re-upholster the driver seat and that would leave the rest this cream color which I would prefer it not.
I want to keep this car original to an extent, e.i. same paint color as the vin, and interior color. Is there anyway I’m able to save those seats and restore them back to the original white or would it just be easier to bite the bullet and redo each seat. I do apologize for such a long winded message here.
If you're trying to salvage your seats and they are in decent condition, you might want to try this interior dye. I have the 73 year only Avocado and have used this dye on my soft dash pad, console lid cover and steering wheel center pad. It's covered and worked really well. It really covered well on the steering wheel pad, because I started with the original avocado color so this just really sharpened it up and I only put 3 light coats on it. On the dash pad & console lid I had to purchase the black reproductions so that was a complete color change. It worked well too, but took about 9-10 light coats until I was satisfied with the coverage and sheen. The advice from another member that made me aware of this product was to clean the surface really well to ensure all the silicone and oils are off completely. He suggested using the VM&P Naphtha which I did, and clean it several times until the blue painters tape grabs really tight, like it would on a clean mirror.

I can't say how this will hold up on the seats since it gets much more wear, but it says it's for this application also. Maybe others have some experience on this. Might be worth a try in sharpening up your interior with little cost. And hey, if you're considering a reupholstery anyway it couldn't hurt.

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