Need ideas for a steering wheel.............

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consider this, the thicker rim and slightly smaller diameter will about cancel each other out on steering effort with a manual steering car, but the dish is critical. I changed mine and while it worked out fine, but the clearance between hand and turn signal is reduced and leg clearance is changed. And use a steering wheel puller, not a gear puller- the old wheels are worth a couple hundred bucks or more if you don't damage them and they are hard to find if you want them in the future. they can be repaired and reconditioned too.

I think I have a picture at home, but car is in transmission shop for another few days :(

These were popular back in the ole days ;) :


I have the Grant 3 spoke walnut, looks great and very easy to install. Don't forget the adapter. Wont work with out it!

I have the grant 15" walnut with the ford logo
