Need new brake bleeder screws

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Feb 7, 2020
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My Car
73 Mach1
Put rebuilt calipers on not long ago and have never been able to get the pedal as fim as it used to be. Today I noticed after a drive that the bleders on each caliper are both dripping a tiny bit when the brakes are applied. They are as tight as can be. Any tighter and I'd be afraid of snapping one. Need to try another set of bleeders. Anyone have a part number for OEM's or speed bleeders? I don't want to guess. I'd rather know the thread and taper is right. Thanks!
I hope that fixes the problem. The rebuilt stuff just keeps getting worse, even for never parts. I got an alternator for a 2007 Mustang. The pulley was so rough (pitted and painted) it cut a rib off a $60.00 belt. I should caught it before I installed it. I'm disappointed in the part, and myself. Chuck
I had the same problem with my driver's side caliper. I rebuilt the originals, soaked them in simple green, brake cleaner and rust remover before painting with caliper paint. I thought for sure it would leak from the caliper piston as one was a little beat up but nooooooooooooo, it leaked from the bleeder screw. I tightened the bleeder as much as I could. It leaked. I took it out, cleaned it and re-installed it - still leaked. I replaced it and the replacement bleeder leaked. So, I went online and did some research and found out that grit and grime can accumulate under the bleeder screw port and prevent the bleeder from fully seating. Maybe it was gunk from the brake lines or I didn't clean out the passages in the caliper thoroughly. Well, I pulled the wheel and the bleeder and used a couple of a pipe cleaners and brake cleaner and cleaned out the bleeder screw port. Installed another new bleeder screw and so far it has stopped leaking. Hope this helps.
So first thing first. The correct part number is - Russell speed bleeder 639600. These are the 3/8-24 x 1.5" long. The part number I referenced above that I thought was correct are only 1" long. Do they work? Yes. But due to them being so short, you're bottoming out that 3/8 nut on the caliper just as you are also closing off the fluid flow. So it's gnat's ass tight. They are working, not leaking, and I have a much better feeling pedal. But I'm not comfortable with how little tolerance I have between bottoming out that nut and closing off the flow. I'm going to order a set of the proper 639600's, but overall I do like them and they have made a huge improvement.