NEW inner rear side panels for verts on ebay

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Jan 7, 2015
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Western North Carolina
My Car
Multiple Mustangs!
They are not new, they have been making them for 5 years - maybe more... they are ill fitting crap


I was the forum member... Absolute crap when it comes to the convertible panels... They would not accept my return and I had to have PayPal force the issue. Cost me return shipping costs from Canada, expensive... But, for me it was the principal, stand behind your junk. One of the very few issues I had while restoring my J Code vert. I bought 10's of 1000's of $$$ in part's, this was the worst experience. It took me a couple more year's..., but I scored these near NOS pieces that I will repaint for my car. In the meantime, I restored my original's (speaker holes...) and they turned out nice, but, I need to get them out.

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Several years ago I bought a pair from a company out of Arizona. The panels are absolutely crappy, very thin and flimsy. Sent them right back but had to pay return shipping.

Found a nice pair out of a Cougar, a little faded, ash tray on both sides but they are black and I will use some SEM products to make them look nice again.

I was the idiot that cut speaker holes in my old panels in 1988  :mad: not knowing how scarce they are!
