Interesting..., this car has the bumper protection on both the front and rear.
Sometimes I see it only on the front or only on the rear, very rarely on both... I am trying to determine what was included on my car when the K. Marti report states as an option, "bumper guards"?
Do to a lack of paperwork (other then the Marti report), and possible changes to the car over its life, I currently do not have either the front of rear installed. The car suffered a rear hit back in the 70's and more than likely they just put a new bumper on minus the guards at that time. However, the front bumper looks to be original and there is no evidence of the guards ever being installed on the front from the factory.
Does anyone know if any other option added/deleted bumper guards from the front or rear? If one ordered "bumper guards", what did they get...
I have decided to search out only the rear bumper guards due to my belief that the original front bumper on my car never had these installed originally... I have yet to make contact with a long time owner, trying...
No, I don't have the build sheet, it disintegrated under the drivers foot board and I could only save a 2" square piece when I pulled the carpet in the fall... Thoughts?