Road Debris

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Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Ancaster, Ontario
My Car
73 Mustang Convertible

08 Bullet
So there I was minding my own business driving into work this morning(0430) along The Queen Elizabeth Way towards Toronto.

It was raining and I happened to notice an accident going in the opposite direction.

All of a sudden WHAM I hit something...road was clear in front of me....not sure what the hell I hit but sure screwed up one of the rims and the alignment on the Bullitt. Called the Cops to report the accident and that I hit something so I can get an incident number, now I have to report it to the MOT ( Ministry of Transportation) and file a claim.

What a way to start the work week.

And Roy .....just for you......some Pics because we all know :worthlesswithoutpics:



Don't now about MOT but here in North Carolina, You hit it it's on your collision and not comprehensive. Working at a paper mill with 700+ log trucks per day. Ask me how I know.

Ken, isn't that a picture of Roy's car when he broke the wheel off of it ?

I got hit (literally) by instant Karma. At the intersection there were two left turn lanes. Traffic was backed up in the right one. I got in the left left as the front car knowing that I would 'go for it' and swing over to the right lane in the few hundred yards I had before making a right turn. (Kinda of a jerky move but there is plenty of room and it isn't unsafe).

Anyways, left turn arrow goes green, I get on it (not in a big show of speed or anything) and 'WHAM' I hit a tire iron or something left on the road, it jumps up and puts a good inch long 1/4 wide mark in my door....

I don't do that anymore. ;)

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Well that just sucks, with the bent wheel and all I will give you 700 for it todayTongue

Gee Roy thats a great offer but is that Canadian or US$$$ lollerz
Will have to be US because I can't afford Canadian:p

Well Roy...

Since we're good friends I'll take that deal......$700 US ...just tell me where you want your new bent BUllitt rim sent!!! lollerz

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Well that just sucks, with the bent wheel and all I will give you 700 for it todayTongue

Gee Roy thats a great offer but is that Canadian or US$$$ lollerz
Will have to be US because I can't afford Canadian:p

Well Roy...

Since we're good friends I'll take that deal......$700 US ...just tell me where you want your new bent BUllitt rim sent!!! lollerz
Could be a painful delivery if I actually told you were to send it :angel:
