Squeaking Glass


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Aug 21, 2013
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73 Blue Glo Mach 1

I have an annoying squeak its on the passenger side and I think it's the glass gets worse if the roads a little ruff. Any help advice on what it is and how to fix it would be great

Take off the door panel and check all the fasteners. You're gonna find some loose ones. Had a similar issue in my 73 vert. In my case it was the guides for the glass and the linkage for the door handle.

its a couple of things. usually its the whiskers drying out or there are these sponge with micromesh cloth finger that push the bottom of the window out and they dry out and shrink and the window starts to rattle or squeak, it can also be the roof belt line seal.

the best is when you can locate the squeak to the top or bottom of the window. but if the window needs adjustment then you have to take the door panel off and it can be a bit of a nightmare, adjusting and readjusting and you may never get the window to sit just right.

get some silicon oil usually comes in a spray or they make it in liquid form you coat all the rubber where the window touches and usually the squeak goes away. sometimes it takes a couple of layers to make it stop.

sometimes roll down the window and roll it back up with the door closed and then give that last turn a little more force on the crank to push the window into the seal and the stoppers with some more force and it stops the squeak.

What really helps

Sub frame connectors. that stiffens the door frames on the body and keeps the body from wiggling around the door and making the windows squeak.

:D Thanks all. It seems to be squeaking at the top rear of the window or where it touches the seal on the rear window. I initially thought the pwr windows where creeping a bit but I don't think so. Will lube up the seals and see what happens. I think everything needs a bit of a tighten up as the windows rattle when right down

Mine squeaks from the metal tab that used to be rubber encased (back in the day) and is now rubbing bare metal against my window.

It may be your mirrors. My doors squeaked on bumby roads and it turned out to be the mirrors.

My windows lack the nylon spacer on the rails, so they just rattle around in the door. It bugs the hell out of me.

It may be your mirrors. My doors squeaked on bumby roads and it turned out to be the mirrors.

My windows lack the nylon spacer on the rails, so they just rattle around in the door. It bugs the hell out of me.
Mine rattle when all the way down lucky i got AC. How where the mirrors squeking as i never thought it my be them.

Thanks for the tip

Mine squeaks from the metal tab that used to be rubber encased (back in the day) and is now rubbing bare metal against my window.
Looks like that's happening on mine to
I'm not 100% sure if I'm going to do it, but I think I might try some of this: http://www.plastidip.com/home_solutions/Plasti_Dip
Great minds hey bloke. I bought a tin myself was going to give it a try on the weekend

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The screw studs were broke, one of two on each mirror and they slid in the door just a little bit but made a huge noise.

Later, I also realized that my mirrors lacked the rubber spacers between the post seat and the door.

My drivers side door lock is worn and the door rattles over bumps.

This is what is causing the window to rattle in the first place...
Jim do you mean the actual door lock catch eg door to chassis lock or the one on the outside where you put your key. Sorry for the dum question but I hate this squeak and I want it gone
