I only get thermostat housing gaskets through Rock Auto (in the cooling system section).
The generic part image shows the T-stat housing for the 351W, and from the looks of the comments below ("Doesn't fit 351C" and "This was a replacement for 1995 Ford F-150 351ci"), I'm quite certain that the #84831 part number is - indeed - the 351W thermostat housing. Case in point, an 351W t-stat housing reference photo (from:
Original part number for the proper 351C thermostat housing is D1AE-8594-A (or -AA) on mine, and supposedly, D1AZ-8592-A is a later part number for the same:
So far, I've found the following available on the market, confirmed for the 351C:
Aluminum repop, no maker listed, guaranteed to leak due to different expansion rate. Sold through most of the big Mustang/Cougar online parts shops. $15-$25:
Chromed steel Mr. Gasket #2663, designed to seal with an O-ring. Known for corroding chrome leading to leaks. Casting will crack if not treated with extra-special care. O-ring setup has a host of leak complaints. $9-15:
Australian - I think these are either NOS or Ford-authorized reproductions. At any rate, they're identical to the original. $100 + shipping. EDIT: Shipping to the U.S. is $40 USD!:
I've got a good mind to have the local machine shop spin me up a new outlet tube, and weld it onto the original. Probably cheaper in the long run, and the lathe-cut tube should have a pretty decent flange in comparison to the rolled edge of the stock piece. Took measurements off the original already. Mind you, this is just a patch tube for the top; it's supposed to be welded to the tapered portion of the tube above the flange: