I have a '73 convertible and made the decision to give the rear bumper the clean, tight look of the of the '71-72, so I followed the instructions in the screenshot below: I pried off the horizontal stone deflector "shelf," removed the rubber bumper fillers, then replaced the quarter panel end caps and bumper brackets with those from a '71. Now, for some reason, there is too much space between the bumper and the rear end (see pics). Please note I am aware that the bumper brackets from a '73 are deeper than those from a '71-72, and I definitely installed brackets from a genuine '71 vert. They are not reproductions. What could I have done wrong? The bumper is about 3/4" too far from the rear, which doesn't sound like a lot but it's considerable. The holes where the rubber bumper fillers were installed are clearly visible but should be covered by the curved part of the bumper. And in the shot from above the brackets are clearly visible. Please help!