Was at the Local car show


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Jan 20, 2011
Reaction score
Ancaster, Ontario
My Car
73 Mustang Convertible

08 Bullet
Well my jaw dropped tonight when I was at the local car show.

Usually I'm the only one at this particular show with a 73 mustang....well tonight I'm standing there talking with a friend and I hear that sound....the sound of an other Mustang pulling up only this one is a 73 convertible, advacado green on green 351 ram air with hockey stick stripes.....very nice! 5 minutes later doesn't another 73 vert pull in! Blue on white 302 with a Naca hood...what a great night!

That's cool! I was at a father's day show on Sunday open to all cars and mine was the only 71/73 there. Several 70 Mach's and of course the 65/66's were there.

At our local Sat night gathering there is never a 71-73 there the weekend I first took the uncles out there 3 more showed up:mad: I have only seen one of them since. I figured they were waiting on me to get mine done.
